
Sunday, September 09, 2018


After finally forcing Alex Jones into confesssing that he's been working for U S Army Intelligence for decades, I need a bit of a break.

I'll still be watching news.

But the hard work is done: the whole world now knows the whole media, mainstream and alternative, is fake.

There are now only 2 people I sort of trust: David Icke and Christopher Bollyn.

So I would ask the Russian-Zionist pricks to leave them alone. We don't need Russian Zionists any more. We need Russia to be a genuine guest of Syria, destroy the Zio-anglo-american sponsored cutthtroat Jihadis and then just do as Assad needs to keep those jihadis at bay. No more wars. No more expansion.

Lionel. RT. Kaiser.

All jokes.

Let's just have a breather for a year or 2: assess where we all are; and begin again.

But with the Anglo-American exposed...

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