
Tuesday, September 11, 2018


The 2 most significant events of this century so far are the financial crisis of 2007/8 and 9/11, the effects of which we still see and feel today.

The former led to global austerity. The latter to global war, both overt (Iraq 2003, Lebanon 2006 and Libya 2011) and covert (use of proxy cutthroat Jihadis in Libya and Syria, and soon Iran).

Curiously, one man enabled both of these events. He is Roger Stone, the alleged former lover of Roy Cohn, a Zionist deep, dark CIA agent who ran paedophile rings for the CIA. Stone got George W Bush elected in 2000 by organising the Brooks Brothers Riot to stop a recount in Florida, and Stone exposed Eliot Spitzer for using high class whores while Spitzer was investigating the corrupt practices of Wall Street. Stone now works for Infowars, which Alex Jones recently confessed is a U S Army psyop.

Infowars made a small fortune from exposing false flag terror, and initially called out Donald Trump as a shill for the Clintons. But then Stone began to appear on Infowars and they changed from warning us to stay away from the left-right paradigm to jumping whole-heartedly to the right to help, along with Bilderberg Zionist Rupert Murdoch and the Zionist media network and a rightist Zionist faction in the FBI, elect Trump. Infowars also began to claim that 9/11 was not an inside job and that Islamic terrorists really did do 9/11, and that all our problems are not due to the intelligence agencies and the banks, but we should all now blame and persecute leftists, Mooslims and immigrants.

It is strongly believed by many that Israel did 9/11. They assassinated the Kennedys through their Zionist mob network, and they attacked the USS Liberty killing 34 U S military personnel. The result of these attacks was that Israel got the bomb, got more and heavier weapons from the USA, and stopped any investigation into their criminal and lobbying activities in the USA. And the result of 9/11 has been a series of wars primarily against enemies of Israel.

The outrageous treasonous Zionism of Drumpf cannot be questioned. He has told Sheldon Adelson, the Zionist financer of the Republican Party, that nobody loves Israel more, and is more loyal to Israel, than Drumpf. And in 2016 Drumpf told AIPAC that as President the first thing he would do would be to rip up the nuclear deal with Iran.

Another nation who played a role in 9/11 is Saudi Arabia. Drumpf hinted very strongly that he believed this, and that he would release the 28 pages which are widely believed to expose the role of the Saudis in 9/11. Drumpf said the 28 pages should have been released years ago. But after 18 months as President, what has Drumpf done regarding the Saudis? He has not released the 28 pages, and instead flew to Riyadh, did the Saudi Sword Dance and reached a $300 billion weapons-and-intelligence deal with them. He is also assisting the Saudis to generate a humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen, supplying the Saudis with as many weapons that the Saudis want to bomb and kill children in their bus on the way to school.

Drumpf also tweeted Obama dozens of times to get out and stay out of Syria. So what is Drumpf doing regarding Syria? Well, despite, saying dozens of times that the USA will be pulling out of Syria very soon, he has just agreed with the Pentagon to stay in Syria indefinitely, even though the USA has not been invited and they have been assisting and protecting the cutthroat Jihadis.

The point of 9/11 was to provoke the USA into going to war for Israel, with Iran the ultimate target.

Drumpf is continuing those wars: allying with the Saudis and Israel (who did 9/11 and unleashed the cutthroat Jihadis) against Iran (who didn't do 9/11 and is fighting the cutthroat Jihadis); pulling out of the nuclear deal; staying in Syria, which makes a confrontation with Iran more likely.

And in this Drumpf has betrayed America.

As have Infowars, even though they are and have been a U S Army psyop.

They should all hang their heads in shame at their treason and lust for money and power.

It wasn't leftists, Mooslims and immigrants who did 9/11 and engineered the financial crisis of 2007/8.

It's not leftists, Mooslims and immigrants who populate the ranks of Bilderberg, CFR, etc.

But listen to and watch Infowars and it is sickening to hear and see them claim that all our problems are due to leftists, Mooslims and immigrants.

They sold out. Why? I dunno. How did they expect us not to notice? Again, I dunno.

But they sold out.

They've made their fortune from those who threw themselves from the 82nd floor of the WTC, and now hope that we forget 9/11 ever happened.

But I will never forget.


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