
Monday, October 08, 2018


The British Monarchy/Freemasonry engineered the war. They wanted central Europe destroyed and rebuilt as they wanted.

And the Zionists wanted the Romanovs dead (the Zionists are descendents of the Khazars who detested their northern neighbours, the Rus, i.e. Russian empire)

By 1916 German U boats had all but won the war and Germany was seeking peace. There were even suggestions of going back to pre-war borders.

But the Zionists suggested to the British that they reject any peace offers because the Zionists could get the USA into the war on the side of the British. But in return the Zionists wanted Palestine as a Jewish homeland in any subsequent peace talks.

In April 1917 the USA, using the sinking of the Lusitania 2 years earlier (a mass murder engineered by Anti-Christ Jud-a$$' favourite Winston Churchill), joined the war on the side of the British.

Seven months later the British issued The Balfour Declaration.

Lo and behold, Germany was defeated. And the Zionists sent in Lenin and Trotsky to oust and then murder the Romanovs.

And the Zionists, through financing the war via their newly-created Federal Reserve, made a fortune to rival that of Anti-Christ Jud-a$$.

And in subsequent peace talks the British were awarded Palestine, and the British, due to the Balfour Declaration, began to encourage and allow mass Jewish immigration into Palestine, which led to riots and mass murder.

Zionists 4
British Monarchy 1

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