
Monday, October 22, 2018


From 1997 I was stalked. Then in the summer of 1998 I began to get zapped, at first gently just once or twice a night, but then over the next few years this rose to very aggressive zapping sometimes 10 times but generally 5 times per night so I got no sleep. The zapping stopped in the spring of 2005. I now have a twitch/spasm in my neck because of that zapping. I doubt I am the only one to have suffered this stalking and E M harrassment, and may well be why 5G is being introduced. I survived my experimentation. I built TTS up. I am now exposing the whole terror network of the Zionist and U S intels that did 9/11, as well as exposing Trump and Infowars for selling out to that network, and probably most of the 'alternative' media as assets of that same network. And also that this stalking and E M harrassment network that targets individuals the system does not like also exists.

And for several years I was also under surveillance in a house intimately connected to the UK anti-war movement during a time which I said some provocative statements to flush out the perrrverrrts. And it worked. Didn't it, Anti-Christ?

So that's 2 huge reasons why some and this 9/11 terror network want me replaced, destroyed and dead, to shut me up.

And this network will use anyone and any organisation for this.

And it is all so this 9/11 terror network can totally control the alternative media so their narrative continues without challenge.

Infowars sold out to this network.

How much for?

Coz it's all about the money for them.

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