
Sunday, November 04, 2018


And when you do, please keep in mind that:
1. Roy Cohn ran paedophile rings for the CIA;
2. merchant of death Donald "nobody loves Israel more than me" Trump saw Cohn as his "greatest friend" and is the product of the CIA/Zionist network which Cohn ran;
3. Cohn had been given a job at Saxe, Bacon and Bolan by the CIA so he could become the de facto liaison between the CIA and the mob, which gave Cohn the power to tell the mob how to vote;
4. regular Infoturds freak and rightist Zionist globalist deep state agent Roger Stone was the homosexual lover of Cohn and appeared on Infowars in 2016 to help convince the Infowars demographic to vote Trump.

There is so much more to Cohn that is not being told that I'm looking into writing a film/book/play about him.

Cohn links so many extreme rightist weirdo things together, which along with the FBI in 2016 informing the US public of some suspicious emails relating to Clinton but not that Trump was seriously under investigation for collusion with Russia, and the mainstream media portraying Cohn as a just a bit of a weirdo, helped Trump win.

Of course, the treason against humanity of Infowars selling out to the rightist Zionist network that did 9/11 helped to put Trump over the top by convincing the Infowars demographic to vote Trump.

But the bulk of the work was done to infest the White House in 2016 with Zionist Trump was done by:
1. Bilderberg Zionist Murdoch and his global media empire;
2. other smaller media such as Breitbart, Rebel and Infowars;
3. the FBI and their exposure of the Clinton probe but not the Trump/Russia probe.

This is how the Zionists work. They did 9/11 and have now made everything about Communism. Can you name a Communist country? One capable of nuking and/or invading the USA? Nope? thought not.

Yet that's the excuse that fat CIA Confederate traitor pervert Alex Jones uses as a reason to sell out to the rightist Zionist network that did 9/11 (for a huge fat fee, no doubt, that Anti-Christ Jud-a$$ is feasting on this very minute: no longer intel-controlled assets run by the CFR/Bilderberg/etc but genuine leftists, Muslims and immigrants).

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