
Friday, December 07, 2018


A few months ago amid great fanfare, 4 alt-right 'personalities' joined UKIP. They were:
1. the bona fide vain Anti-Christ, Paul Joseph Watson;
2. Sargon of Akkad;
3. Count Dankula;
4. Milo Whatshisface.

UKIP membership increased dramatically overnight.

But then, I strongly believe having been influenced by Watson, the UKIP leader Gerard Batten decided to appoint Tommy Robinson as an adviser on Islam. Watson and Robinson are top mates.

So what?

Well, Watson is an asset of U S Military Intelligence (USMI). He sold out to the network that did 9/11 and runs paedophile networks.

USMI allowed 9/11. Where were they on 9/11? AWOL.

An Anglo-Saudi-American-Zionist network did 9/11, having planned it for years, and used the terror to go on a global conquest to capture the whole of the Middle East.

Watson wrote a book about 9/11. He blamed intels like USMI. He called John Bolton a "mentally unstable maniac". Who is Bolton? He is now Trump's National Security Adviser. Bolton is also a favourite of staunch Zionist casino magnate Sheldon Adelson who financed Trump into the White House. Watson called Saudi Arabia a "cancer on the world", and frequently called out Obama and the Saudis on Yemen. Watson also wrote a number of articles against war on and interfering in Iran.

But now, after selling out to the network that did 9/11?

No criticism of Bolton.

Hardly any criticism of Saudi Arabia.

Hardly any criticism of the policy of Saudi Arabia and Trump on Yemen.

Deleting those articles against war on Iran, and now actively promoting revolution in Iran (who didn't do 9/11 and is fighting the Saudi/US-Israel cutthroat Jihadis), while protecting Saudi Arabia (who did do 9/11 and unleashed the cutthroat Jihadis).

Robinson recently wrote a book which blamed 9/11 on real-life Muslims. He also risked the trial of an Asian child-grooming gang and profited from it. Robinson was the Shillman Fellow (named after a committed Zionist) at Rebel Media run by Ezra Levant (another committed Zionist) who cheered on Israel's slaughter of children in Gaza in 2014.

But Trump did exactly the same as those grooming gangs. He hosted parties where he and other sleazeballs groomed girls with drink and drugs to have their wicked way with them.

Where's Trump now? IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!

He is owned by the Zionists and the network that did 9/11. Totally owned.

So where am I going with this?

Now 4 senior figures in UKIP have resigned from the party since Robinson was appointed, including the founder of UKIP Nigel Farage. Today Paul Nuttall and David Coburn resigned. They all cite Robinson as the reason.

1. Watson opposed the 9/11 network and their war plan, even writing a book about them;
2. but then Watson becomes an agent for USMI;
3. he then does a full 180 on the 9/11 network and their war plan;
4. then joins UKIP to change their direction;
5. then gets Zionist Robinson appointed as consultant on Islam;
6. senior figures, including the founder, resign in disgust.

But if Watson is USMI, then has this implosion of UKIP been ordered by USMI?

Or by Mossad?

Or has the plan of the new gang of four gone wrong?

Or is it actually going right, clearing the cobwebs, for a new UKIP.

A UKIP 2.0 (but controlled by USMI and Mossad? (Robinson loves Israel and Mossad, as now does Watson).

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