
Thursday, January 24, 2019


Large protests. Protestors reportedly shot by government troops. America recognises an alternative leader.

Sound familiar?

It happened in 2002.

It's happening now.




Because Venezuela owns the world's largest proven oil reserves, and America wants that oil under their control.


Sanctions on Venezuela by 'Murica are crippling trade with Venezuela. Very few will trade with Venezuela for fear of suffering sanctions themselves. This is driving some in Venezuela into the streets to protest.

Nothing to do with socialism itself. Everything to do with 'Murica fearing a nation standing up to it and using its national resources for the benefit of the people. Remember Iran in 1953? Mossadegh had the cheek to stand up to the Anglo-American Establishment and used Iranian oil for the Iranian people. So he was overthrown and eventually replaced by Pahlavi who ran a brutal regime with murdering thugs trained and armed by Israel.

If you want to understand what's going on in Venezuela then watch The War on Democracy by John Pilger.

America wants Venezuela's oil. It really is that simple.

So America uses its assets like U S Miitary Intelligence asset Paul Joseph Watson to promote their propaganda. That's all he's good for now. Propaganda. No analysis. Just U S Military Intelligence propaganda.

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