
Wednesday, February 20, 2019


Trump was assisted by the FBI into occupying the White House. They sat on thousaands of Clinton emails and waited for the perfect time for Comey to unnecessarily tell America that they looked suspicious. This torpedoed Clinton and, along with Murdoch and the Zionist (Breitbart, Rebel, Infowars) media handed the keys to The White House to Trump.

Trump bought the CIA/Mossad money-laundering front Resorts International and despite the casino being fined several times for money-laundering Trump has not been investigated for money-laundering.

On t'other hand, Bernie Sanders' wife was investigated by the FBI for nearly 3 years for allegedly defrauding $10 million for the college she worked at. No charges were ever brought against her. The initial complaint came from Trump's campaign manager for Vermont.

And this was after Clinton stabbed Sanders in the back during the Democrat candidate race.

They, the Zionist-Anglo-American Establishment, hate Sanders.


Because he says stuff like this...and means it. Sanders would tame Israel and Wall Street, and reset relations with Saudi Arabia. Sanders says he would have nothing to do with Kissinger.

The election in 2016 was the anyone-but-Sanders election.

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