
Friday, February 15, 2019


There's a warmongering coference going on in Poland at the moment. The attendees all want war on Iran. Iran is the prime reason why 9/11 was done. The plan shortly after 9/11 was revealed to General Wesley Clark: war and regime change in 7 countries in 5 years. That plan should have been completed by 2009 at the latest. But 10 years later and Iran has still not been attacked. There have been several provocations, in particular when several British Marines were captured in Iranian waters in 2007.

For the USA, Pence and now Pompeo are demanding 'confrontation' with Iran.

Confrontation = war.

One global entity that is standing with Iran is the EU. At this war conference Pence said the EU is opposing the USA, ie Israel, with its position on Iran, the nuclear deal and sanctions.

So what is currently happening with the EU?

The EU is consumed with defending itself against a Zionist attack in the form of Brexit. And Bannon is trying to break up the EU even further with The Movement. Netanyahu threatened the EU: start obeying Israel or whither and die.

And at the same time we see, through Bolton and Abrams, a Zionist-driven coup in Venezuela (world's largest proven oil reserves) and Brazil (largest and most populous country in South America, and 5th largest in the world).

The 9/11 PNAC war plan is at least 10 years behind.

The timing of all this, with Israel behind it, is surely not coinidental.

This a Zionist global power grab: take control of South America through Venezuela and Brazil; destabilise and weaken the EU (which Putin wants) and attempt war on Iran.

You're welcome.

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