
Saturday, February 09, 2019


David Icke's thesis is that Israel runs the world.

Yet he has yet to explain why Israel is driving Brexit.

And yet he still continues to drive Brexit along with Israel.

You see, it's all about this Reptilians-want-a-world-government thing he's made a living from, the proceeds of which will no doubt be passed on to his children. He can't contradict what he's been saying for decades and making a living out of.

But there's this fantasy Brexit, the one pushed by the extreme Rightist Zionists who produced the lies, the propaganda, the statistical analysis of voters, and the fantasy that reaching a deal would be a piece of cake, that everything would be a walk in the park, and we can all go back to sleep.

But did you know that the rights of UK citizens in Europe, and vice versa, have still not been agreed?

The referendum took place on 23rd June 2016. Yet here we are 9th February 2019 and the rights of real life humans have not been agreed!

There's been agreements reached with Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein. And a few EU nations have issued a few publically-reassuring statements about some rights. But nothing concrete.

But despite Theresa May telling you those rights have been guaranteed by the EU, they have not been. But also the EU allows that lie to propagate.

Both sides in this demonic debacle are using millions of people, many of whom on the British side were not even allowed to vote, as bargaining chips.

Both the British and the EU are guilty, and care nothing for humans and consider them as secondary, the primary being trade and finance.

Take this example. And read all 8 sequential tweets (this is the first). Many people are going to die. Some already have. If there is to be a Brexit then it must not be a no-deal on 29th March, and a deal reached with honest, transparent diplomacy and not the gung-ho inconsiderate get-us-out-of-the-EU-at-whatever-cost from the likes of the pervert Watsons and Ickes and the lying extreme rightist Zionist Tories of this world. Unless Icke wants to be a mass murderer with his unproven thesis:

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