
Tuesday, February 12, 2019


If the world really is as bad as the likes of Icke and Jones and Watson make out, then why do they not give their stuff away for free?

Or is it only me who is to do that?

Am I not allowed to ask that my work given for free be deleted when no offers of help are given? And am I not then allowed to be angry when that work is not deleted?

And am I the only one to then have their codes, ideas and thesis stolen, and even 2 external hard drives (not mine, by the way) and even my coat stolen from my sister's house?!

As well as secret surveillance cameras in my bedroom? In one of the most anti-war houses in the UK if not in the world?!

As well as you selling out to U S Military Intelligence?!?!

You sick turds.

I used to look up to you lot.

But now you're all just simple turds, to be flushed away with all the other sewage, in this for the money: flog conspiracy theories, write books, make documentaries, scare a lot of people and make a few bucks.

You're actually no better than those you appear to oppose.

But when I actually want to get the banks into court, and take great financial risk in doing so, you simple turds spy on me and then steal almost everything I have?

Coz that's what's happened.

That's the way I see it.

Which is why I will never, repeat never, agree to my codes being used for a plagiarised PhD or any other kind of degree, e.g. MSc, MPhil. Whatever.

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