
Tuesday, February 05, 2019


Roger Stone began to appear on Infowars in 2016 to persuade the Infowars demographic that Trump was the real deal to save 'Murica.

Turns out Trump is bought and owned by Israel.

Stone confessed to being a strong Zionist.

Stone was the homosexual lover of deep, dark Mossad/CIA agent Roy Cohn who ran paedophile networks to gain blackmail material.

Stone shared a flat with the madam who supplied Wall Street with whores in the early noughties.

Stone helped to get W elected to enable 9/11 and the PNAC wars.

And it was Stone who scuttled Spitzer's investigation into Wall Street's corrupt practices which enabled the financial crisis of 2007/8.

The effects of the last 2 we still feel today: Syria, Iraq and Libya are Jihadi hell holes; and 99% of us still feel global austerity having bailed out the likes of J P Morgan Chase (oooh, don't you just luuurv those guys. And not forgetting those J P Morgan Chase gals, thieving perverts or not).

So basically Stone is the rightist Zionist globalist fixer.

Putin is in the bag. So is Trump.

Remember that vid of Netanyahu admitting that America is under Israeli control? We all know it anyway, but it's nice to have it straight from the horse's mouth.

And there's Infowarriors Alex, Paul and the rest, trying to fool us into enriching their bank accounts.

Well, I pity the sell-out fools of Infowars.

How much do we think they sold out to the Zionist war machine for? $10 million? $100 million? Power?


Sold out.

To the Zionist war machine.

The 'Jews' are overwhelmingly descended from a warrior race known as the Khazars, who lived in that region south of Russia around the Caucasus and Khazakstan, converted to Judaism to save their necks, and then gradually migrated to Eastern and Southern Europe. They were more or less constantly at war with the Russians, known as the Rus, which is why when they got power and influence through the Anglo-American Establishment they brutally overthrew the Romanovs. They also financed WW1 and continued WW1 for at least 2 more years so they could be given Palestine after WW1. Their next task was to populate Palestine with Jews, so they created, protected, guided and collaborated with the Nazis into scaring Jews to migrate to Palestine. But that didn't work. So during and after WW2 there was a reported Holocaust of 6 million Jews, but I'm very doubtful of its magnitude because the Zionists wanted as many Jews to migrate to Palestine, so why have them killed? Unless they wanted only the very young and very old murdered for emotional blackmail? Anyway, after WW2 the physically fit Jews who before WW2 were reluctant to migrate to Palestine couldn't wait to travel to Palestine to murder and terrorise the Palestinians into the 2 largest refugee camps in the world, to eventually declare Eretz Israel! And since then Israel has murdered American Presidents and Presidential hopefuls for being anti-Israel (the Kennedys), attacked a U S Military ship killing 34 U S military personnel (the USS Liberty) and in return was given the bomb (by James Jesus Angleton and LBJ) and hundreds of billions of dollars in aid, and on 9/11 attacked and tricked the USA into fighting Israel's war at a cost to the USA of at least $5 trillion and tens of thousands of lives.

And on 8th November 2016, with the help of mega-Zionist Sheldon Adelson and the sell-out In-Faustus-wars, the USA elected Donald "nobody loves Israel more than me" Trump.

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