
Thursday, February 07, 2019


It's obvious who is driving Brexit: the extreme rightist Zionists.

It's obvious who tricked the USA into voting Trump into The White House: the extreme rightist Zionists.

But still no explanation from the fallen god of conspiracy theory (and part-time pervert), David Icke. Nor from Tony Gosling.

We've got Bilderberg Zionist Rupert Murdoch (who laid the foundations for 9/11 and the PNAC wars) who put his global media empire behind Trump and who kicked Brexit off by promoting Farage (who still works for Murdoch).

We've got the Zionists trying to ban all criticism of and opposition to Israel.

We've got Israel becoming the world centre of hi-tech (software, hardware).

We've got Zionist Bannon trying to break up the EU through his The Movement.

We'e got Israel and the Zionist-controlled USA first in the queue to sign huge post-Brexit trade deals.

We've got Israel about to make Gaza uninhabitable.

We've got Israel holding ceremonies making Israel the centre of world government.

And then we've got Israel flying alleged hijacked passenger planes into the WTC to trick the USA into fighting Israel's wars at a cost to the USA of at least $5 trillion.

And who's driving the latest coup in Venezuela? Bolton and Abrams!

Hell-oooo! (taps Icke and Gosling on their foreheads)

On Monday night, approximately one thousand people gathered at the foot of the Temple Mount for the World Creation Concert. However, what took place was not merely wonderful music accompanied by a spectacular light show: the event actually encapsulated several prophetic incidents taking place at once. In the not-so-distant future, the event may be identified as the moment a new, Biblically correct United Nations was established, potentially leading to a new era of global cooperation.

[source : New Beginnings for Biblical UN? Nations Attend Creation Concert, Breaking Israeli News,, 4th September 2018]

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