
Friday, March 01, 2019


The EU is keeping the Iran nuclear deal together, after Israeli agent Donald "nobody loves Israel more than me" Trump pulled out of it. Without that deal there would probably be war by Israel and the USA on Iran.

And Netanyahu threatened the EU to start showing Israel much more respect to and obey Israel, or whither and die.

Massive Bilderberg Zionist Rupert Murdoch, who laid the groundwork for 9/11 and the subsequent wars, as well as assisting Trump into the White House, is driving Brexit. His media even suggested that Queen Liz supports Brexit. Murdoch is still alive, which more than hints that Murdoch is doing the work the global elite want done.

Last year Trump repaid his Zionist sponsors once again by stopping all funding for the UNRWA.

This week the EU gave the UNRWA 82 million Euros.

So what is Russia's donation to UNRWA upon which the Palestinians depend so much as Israel interferes with the every day running and financing of The Occupied Territories?

According to the information at the UNRWA, Russia is waaaay down the list of donors.

Even Austria donates to UNRWA more than Russia.

And now that Zionist Trump has stopped all funding of UNRWA the EU is now the most generous donor to UNRWA, and thus thwarts Israel's satanic ethnic cleansing agenda to depopulate Gaza and drive the Palestinians into the sea. And this is not just a pledge from the EU. The EU is making the 82 million Euros donation in full immediately.

So while the likes of David Icke post memes about Gaza asking how long will we allow this Israeli agenda to drive the Palestinians into the sea to continue, both he and his son Gareth support the destruction of the very entity that is stopping a Zionist war on Iran and is stopping the very Israeli depopulation agenda for the Occupied Territories.

But that's the Ickes: confused.

Confused about spying on people in their bedrooms. Confused about burglary, theft and hacking.

Should you or shouldn't you? Well, David thinks you should.

Advice to everyone: check your bedrooms for secret cameras. Coz you never know who's watching...

The European Union Representative, Ralph Tarraf, and Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), Pierre Krähenbühl, signed at UNRWA headquarters in East Jerusalem the EU-UNRWA contribution agreement in support of the Agency’s 2019 Programme Budget.

Under this agreement, the EU provides a vital contribution of EUR 82 million in support of the human development work of UNRWA for this year. In light of the Agency’s ongoing financial challenges, the EU has agreed to provide the totality of its funding immediately upon the signature of the agreement.

[source : EU announces an €82 mln contribution to UNRWA, PNN,, 27th February 2019]

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