
Thursday, March 21, 2019


Massive Bilderberg Zionist and CIA agent Rupert Murdoch kicked it all off. He has since driven Brexit. In that time he also played a major role in electing Donald "nobody loves Israel more than me" Trump. Quick reminder for some very confused folk: Murdoch is arguably the most public figure we can point to and blame for 9/11 and the subsequent wars. He financed the fledgling PNAC warmongers, and after 9/11 promoted the wars. Trump has just recognised the sovereignty of Israel over The Golan Heights, where Genie Energy is looking to develop the oil fields there. Guess who's involved in Genie? Yep. Rothschild. And one Rupert Murdoch.

And then there's this (among all the other lies):

The British goverment yesterday announced that some UK citizens in the EU will get health cover. How long for?

One year!! And that's only for current treatments.

This is what I referred to when I said many UK retired citizens in the EU will have to decide whether to return to the UK and die there (with all the stress involved of finding accommodation, etc), or remain in the EU to live a shorter life and wait until the health cover runs out.

And where's BoJo now?

Farage abandoned his own 'march'.

Fox and his magical trade deals are a total farce. Only Israel and the USA are first in the queue for the plum deals.

Brexit : making the Anglo-American-Zionist Empah great again (through lies and manipulation, and some very confused folk have fallen for it coz reptiles).

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