
Tuesday, March 12, 2019


I was saying this would soon happen about 1 year ago!

But between then and now we've had confirmation from motormouth CIA/Confederate/Zionist Alex Jones that Infowars is an asset of AWOL-on-9/11 U S Military Intelligence. This accounts for Watson stopping all criticism of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the intels, and instead blaming leftists, mooslims and immigrants for everything bad.

9/11? Blame real life mooslims.

America's $22 trillion debt? Blame real life immigrants.

Moral decay? Blame real life leftists.

Repeat after Paul: leftists, mooslims and immigrants. leftists, mooslims and immigrants. leftists, mooslims and immigrants. leftists, mooslims and immigrants. leftists, mooslims and immigrants. leftists, mooslims and immigrants.

For years In-Faustus-wars told us that intels ran all the terror and the world was run by bankers in alliance with a cabal run by the Bilderberg/CFR/TC/Freemasons/British Monarchy.

I ask you, honestly, how many of the above are leftist, mooslim or immigrant?

What? I can't hear you. You'll have to shout louder!


Yep! NONE!!

Bilderberg, banks, CFR, British Monarchy etc are all dominated massively by white males, generally Anglo-American and usually Jewish, Catholic or Church of England.

So has Captain Pervert had a road-to-Damascus moment, seen the error in his ways and decided to abandon the U S Military Intelligence asset Infowars and start his own media network with his ill-gotten gains/sell-out and tell 've troof'?

Or will he be just Infowars 2.0? Another Zionist-Anglo-American military intelligence asset broadcasting extreme rightist Zionist propaganda?

I'll know if he admits to spying on people in their bedroom in one of the most anti-war houses in the UK if not the world.

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