
Monday, March 11, 2019


It actually happened.

In the middle of 2014.

Ezra Levant organised a rally in support of Israel's infanticide during Israel's 3 month war on Gaza. By the end of the war just a handful of Israeli citizens had died due to rockets from Gaza, but approximately 500 children and approximately 1000 civilians had been murdered by Israel. Israel even illegally used white phosphorous.

This infanticide was so bad that it even provoked Captain Pervert to produce a video mocking Israel's 'right to defend itself' after Israel had blown up and murdered 4 Palestinian children for the horrific crime of playing football on the beach!

So in 2016 you'd think that Levant and Captain Pervert would be big enemies?

Nope. The two fell in love. Coz Trump. Both promoted Trump as part of the Zionist meddling in American elections.

And if you're wondering why Mueller is investigating Russian meddling and not Israeli meddling? Trump bought the CIA/Mossad money-laundering front Resorts International in 1987, which was financing black operations against Castro. Despite several fines for violating money-laundering legislation, Mueller, as head of the FBI, never investigated Resorts International, or as Trump renamed it, Trump Taj Mahal. But the Rothschilds sure were keen for their boy Donald to avoid personal bankruptcy of nearly $1 billion!

Anyway, in case you still don't believe this Levant-Watson love-in occured...

And yep. It's those mooslims!! (who didn't do 9/11, didn't plan for 7 wars in 5 years on some Muslim countries, and don't run or have any influence whatsoever over Bilderberg/CFR/TC/Freemasonry, etc, etc, etc).

Captain Pervert:

Infanticidal Levant:

Love-struck Zionists:

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