
Thursday, March 14, 2019


Both sides in the Brexit war, the UK and the EU, are behaving monstrously.

Over 3 million EU citizens in the UK and their families, and well over 1 million UK citizens in the EU do not have their rights guaranteed. Everything seems to be agreed for meat, chemicals, IP, etc, besides this stupid backstop bollocks that does not depend on these people.

So both sides are using these people as bargaining chips.

Millions of people face the prospect of being deported. It is unlikely in most cases. Most nations are expected to consider such people generously considering the circumstances. But still, these people will be forced to apply for legal residency, rights to healthcare, etc. Some such people are now being sacked or unable to be awarded contracts because of Brexit.

This human aspect to Brexit seems to be have been overlooked by 'pro-human' David Icke et al, who demand no deal.

To them such people are political cannon fodder to be sacrificed on the altar of Reptilianism. No deal is better than a bad deal? But what if many thousands die and 10 times, maybe 100 times that, are deported? Such decisions are to be made by the host nations, not by David Icke.

When the referendum occured in 2016 the simple question was: in or out?

There were 17.4 million versions of out, most of which have turned out to be false, fake, lies.

There was no mention of Northern Ireland, or the complexity of other difficult topics. The Murdoch-controlled British people simply responded, "Out!, as they usually do for massive Bilderberg Zionist Murdoch.

We were told the sun would always shine on Brexit because the sun never sets on the British Empah.

Liam Fox : leave deal will be the easiest in history.
Truth : far from it.

So far who has Fox signed trade deals with? Israel, Switzerland, and just announced today Fiji and Papua New Guinea?

Forgive my septicism. But. WOW!!

Nearly 3 years since the referendum and 14 days before the UK leaves and the UK Parliament wants an extension to work out what it wants!

The fact is that the extreme rightist Zionists instigated and have driven Brexit: the Zionists to weaken the EU who side with Palestine and Iran; the rightists to get their grubby hands on the NHS, etc, and avoid tax laws. There is a large intersection between these, such as Captain Pervert.

Similar tactics will be used on other EU nations such as Italy, Hungary, Poland: force exit from the EU with ridiculous lies; then the rightist Zionists who funded the chaos will be first in the queue to sign the choice trade deals and grab the national silver.

And sadly Icke has joined them. Coz reptiles.

I mean, has he even seen one? Nope.

Just think on this. There are many UK citizens in the EU who could be deported, and if not then lose access to life-saving healthcare, and so must decide to die in their current host nations or return to the UK to live with relatives until they die in the UK.

Don't believe me? Just do a little research other than that based on reptiles or saturn and then ask why such stories are never covered in the UK media.

This is overlooked because of some stupid border issue between Ireland and Northern Ireland.

And I bet you've still to look into the most recent austerity budget?

Murdoch and his extreme rightist Zionist mates must be laughing at Icke and the rest for falling for all this and laughing all the way to the bank.

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