
Saturday, April 20, 2019


I haven't been since Christmas. But even since Christmas there has been a significant increase in homelessness and begging in Manchester. Yesterday I saw what looked like a dead woman outside Primark next to Piccadilly Gardens, who had recently collapsed just before I arrived. She wasn't breathing. She was motionless, and it looked like rigor mortis was already starting to set in. She was almost white with a hint of blue. And very few seemed to care, and blocked the arrival of the ambulance by not bothering to get out of the way.

Every bin was owned by a beggar. And there were 3 people covered up, apparently sleeping, in different doorways.

So I went to Liverpool today, to the Maritime and Slavery Museum on Albert Dock.

Liverpool is not much better for homelessness and beggars. I haven't been there for 5 years and there were none that I saw last time I went. But today I saw about 20, just walking up to people in the street, asking for money, while others sat against bins or in doorways, asking for spare change.

The United Kingdom is degenerating to pre-Victorian times, back to the start of the industrial revolution.

And there is one man who we can blame: Roger Stone of Infowars.

He enabled the 2007/8 financial crisis by knobbling Eliot Spitzer who was investigating the corrupt practices of Wall Street. And it was Stone who enabled 9/11 by organising a riot to stop a recount in Florida in 2000 which gave Florida to Bush, which got Bush into the White House, which gave the 9/11 perps the confidence that when they did 9/11 they had the White House under total control.

If it wasn't for Stone there may well have been no 9/11 and no money wasted on wars, and there would have been no financial crisis and in the UK £1 trillion wasted bailing out the banks.

One bank that was at the tip of the spear of the financial crisis of 2007/8 was J P Morgan Chase.

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