
Saturday, April 27, 2019


After reading Donnie Doth Protest Too Much: Twitter Rage a Cover for Gay-Lite Youth?? I have to complete the picture of who Roy Cohn actually was.

Cohn was given the job by the CIA of becoming the de facto liaison between the CIA and the mob. Cohn also ran paedophile networks for the CIA for 2 purposes:
1. to supply CIA-run satanist networks with children to abuse at their 'parties' (which Cohn sometimes attended);
2. to obtain blackmail material.

Cohn covered up the murder of 3 young boys.

Cohn got Trump his first big break by arranging a $400 million 40 year tax break for Trump with New York City.

And in 1983 the Banking and Finance Lodge of B'nai B'rith Annual Dinner was held that year to honour Roy Cohn and his tireless work for Israel. The Honorary Chairmen that year included Donald Trump and one Rupert Murdoch, who helped to get Trump elected in 2016 by backing Trump through his global Zionist media empire.

Murdoch was also given his big break by Roy Cohn when Cohn persuaded Murdoch to finance an illegal CIA propaganda campaign to promote propaganda in favour of the CIA's death squads in Latin America. Shortly after Ozzie Murdoch agreed he was given access to the American broadcast network and formed Fox for this purpose. Murdoch would then go on to finance the fledgling Neoconservative movement (Kristol and Kagan) and was the informal sponsor of PNAC. And after 9/11 Fox was the most pro-war media network, promoting war on anyone and everyone.

In 1987 Trump bought the CIA/Mossad/Mob money-laundering front Resorts International. Trump somehow managed to fail in the casino business and was bailed out with assistance from the Rothschilds, whose Wilbur Ross is now Commerce Secretary. Trump rebranded the casino Trump Taj Mahal, and despite several fines for breaking money-laundering legislation, the FBI under Mueller never investigated the casino.

Trump was assisted into power by the following:
1. Rupert Murdoch;
2. Sheldon Adelson, who publishes a free newspaper in Israel supporting the infanticidal Benjamin Netanyahu;
3. the FBI, who torpedoed Clinton with unfounded allegation of suspicious emails just days before the election;
4. Zionist media like Breitbart, Rebel TV and Infowars.

Infowars is run by Alex Jones, whose family founded the extremely racist Republic of Texas, fought at the rank of colonel and general in the Confederate Army in the US Civil War, and ran death squads for the CIA/Pentagon in Guatemala, those death squads possibly the same promoted by Murdoch!!

Infowars initially opposed Trump, but when rightist Zionist globalist fixer Roger Stone began to appear on Infowars they very quickly changed their tune, so that at AIPAC 2016 when Trump basically got down on his knees and unzipped AIPAC's trousers, Infowars didn't report on this despite their reporter being there and Infowars claiming for many years that Israel did 9/11!

Captain Pervert promoted Trump in 2016 and cosied up to the Zionists like Ezra Levant who organised a rally in support of Israel's infanticide in Gaza in 2014. Levant tweets every vid that Captain Pervert makes and Captain Pervert retweets Levant.

Stone is the rightist Zionist globalist fixer because it was Stone who:
1. enabled the financial crisis of 2007/8;
2. enabled 9/11 by giving Florida to W.

Trump and Cohn were the greatest of friends, while Stone was allegedly the lover of Cohn.

And Captain Pervert has been and still will be very comfortable working with all this network.

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