
Tuesday, April 30, 2019


He is one of Captain Pervert's mates and he worked for the Zionist Rebel TV as the Shillman Fellow named after and financed by a commited Zionist. He has also been photographed proudly wearing Mossad t-shirts and has been photographed standing on an Israeli tank with an automatic rifle.

Tommy Robinson is advising UKIP (arranged by Captain Pervert) but is standing as an independent candidate against UKIP in the forthcoming EU elections. He recently led a pro-hard Brexit march at which several Israeli flags were flown.

Last year a schoolboy from Syria was filmed being assaulted and then waterboarded. Robinson claimed that the boy had earlier attacked 3 girls and 1 boy, thus suggesting that he deserved the assault and the waterboarding. This allegation from Robinson led to Robinson's extreme rightist racist fans to threaten the boy, whose family fled Huddersfield for their safety.

Robinson now faces a libel case from the boy.

See Libel lawsuit against Tommy Robinson by Syrian schoolboy is ‘imminent’ says lawyer

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