
Monday, April 22, 2019


On 11th September 2001 4 passenger planes were allegedly hijacked by Muslim terrorists. Two of these planes were then flown into the WTC and one then allegedly also into The Pentagon (it didn't). The fourth then allegedly crashed in Pennsylvania (it didn't).

Infowars claimed that 9/11 was not done by Muslims, and instead pointed their fingers at the likes of U S intelligence agencies allied with Israel and Saudi Arabia. They claimed that all Islamic terror was run by the FBI, CIA, MI5, MI6, Mossad. Infowars made a fortune. The fame and wealth led to Infowars investing in a new market of the Infowars lifestyle, such as t-shirts, beauty products ,etc, as well as fees from advertising other products.

But then around 2015 that all changed.

Donald Trump announced his intention to run for the Presidency of the Yoonited States.

The reaction of Infowars was that Trump was some kind of shill for the Clintons. That he would somehow become the Republican candidate against Clinton but would then play the clown/stooge and do and say things that would drive America into the arms of Hillary Clinton.

But then the rightist Zionist globalist fixer began to regularly appear on Infowars to promote Trump to the Infowars demographic. To help this promotion Trump claimed he knew the Saudis were involved in 9/11, while he also proclaimed that nobody loves Israel more, and nobody is more loyal to Israel, than him.

It was the Zionists and the FBI who got Trump elected. Sheldon Adelson provided the finance. Rupert Murdoch (who financed the Neoconservatives) provided the media exposure. The FBI provided the final push by claiming with just 1 week before the elections that they had found 30,000 more suspicious emails relating to Clinton. Clinton lost 5%. But just 2 days before the election the FBI announced there was nothing suspicious in those emails. But it was too late for Clinton to recover. She regained only 1%, as compared to the loss of 5%. So Trump (who Infowars supported) won with the help of Israel (who Infowars accused of 9/11) and the FBI (who Infowars accused of covering up 9/11 and running terror).

But it didn't take Trump long to expose who he really was.

He flew to Riyadh, reached a $300 billion weapons and defence deal, and made an anti-terror pact with the Saudis against Iran.

And regarding Israel, Trump: is moving the U S Embassy to Jerusalem; has stopped all US funding of UNRWA; has threatened to destroy the UN because of its fierce opposition to Israel; which has led to many Zionists in Israel comparing Trump to King Cyrus the Great who allowed the Jews to rebuild the Temple.

In 2014 Israel engineered a war on Gaza. Israel killed nearly 2000, 500 of whom were innocent children. Captain Pervert produced just 1 video which mocked Israel's right to defend itself after Israel shelled and killed 4 children as they played football on the beach. One man who supported this infanticide was Ezra Levant of Rebel TV who organised a rally in Calgary in support of this Israeli infanticide.

So in 2016 what happens?

Levant and Infowars became great friends!! In fact, Infowars became great friends with many Zionists they had previously denounced.

And all coz Trump.

And it turns out that Trump and Infowars are assets of U S Military Intelligence.

And yes, that is the same U S Military Intelligence who were AWOL on 9/11 and on 22nd November 1963.

On 9/11 Israel attacked the USA. This was not the first time that Israel had attacked the USA. The USS Liberty was attacked by Israel to drag the USA into Israel's 6 Day War. Israel's attack on the USA on 9/11 tricked the USA into fighting Israel's wars against Israel's enemies: Iraq, Libya, Syria, with the big one against Iran still brewing. These wars, including Afghanistan, have cost the USA $7 trillion (according to Trump) and tens of thousands of lives and limbs.

It wasn't Muslims who engineered WW1. That was the British Monarchy.

It wasn't Muslims who continued WW1 for 2 more years so they would be given Palestine after the war. That was the Zionists.

It wasn't Muslims who created Hitler and profited from the Holocaust. That was the Zionists.

It wasn't Muslims who terrorised, murdered and raped nearly 800,000 Palestinians after WW2. That was the Zionists.

And it wasn't Muslims who executed 9/11 and tricked the USA into fighting and paying for their wars. That was the Zionists.

Yes, there is Islamic terror.

But Infowars made a fortune from claiming that it's all run by intels. But now that they are assets of U S Military Intelligence?

Time for Infowars to return all their ill-gotten gains back to their duped customers.

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