
Wednesday, April 17, 2019


I was hoping to have a Captain Pervert-free day today. But Trump said, "NO!"

There was a fire at Notre Dame Cathedral 2 days ago. Somehow Captain Pervert has made it all about Muslims, even though in order to deliberately have started the fire anyone would have been visible on the scaffolding near the spire. There is minimal fire damage in the Cathedral, and there was a Mass at the time, which suggests that the fire was not started in the Cathedral itself. Nobody has claimed responsibility either. So it was probably accidental. But that doesn't stop U S Military Intelligence asset Captain Pervert making it all about Muslims. But we've seen this kind of thing before: he made a fortune out of blaming 9/11 and all other terror on intels. Turns out that Infowars and Trump are assets of U S Military Intelligence, while Trump claims to be the biggest and most loyal Zionist on the planet. U S Military Intelligence was AWOL on 9/11. Infowars now blame everything on leftists, muslims and immigrants.

U S Military Intelligence asset, merchant of death Bomber Trump, has recently vetoed a bipartisan Congressional decision to stop American support for the war in Yemen.

That war was started and is driven by 9/11 culprits Saudi Arabia and has led to a humanitarian catastrophe seriously affecting millions, half of whom are innocent children. You've seen the harrowing photos of those children. Deadly diseases are rife. Hunger. Thirst. Malnutrition. Dust. Rubble. Squalor. Yet Trump flogs the Saudis all the U S weapons they want to continue this.

Captain Pervert helped to get Trump elected. He regularly criticised Obama over Yemen. But barely a word over Trump's adventures in Yemen.

Here was a fig leaf for Trump, if he wanted, to stop the war in Yemen but do so with an iota of dignity.

Trump didn't take it, and instead wants the suffering of millions of innocent humans to continue.

Coz Saudis.

Who Captain Pervert refers to as "that cancer on the world".

Fire at Notre Dame in which nobody dies? Muslims.

Trump continues unnecessary horrific war in Yemen which kills tens of thousands and inflicts terrible suffering on millions of innocent children coz 9/11 culprits Saudis? Tumbleweeds.

Welcome to the strange, strange (corrupt) world of Captain Pervert (whose name says it all).

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