
Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Let's analyse this plot of traffic to TTS:

The interesting period is that around Christmas 2016, between Trump winning the election and his inauguration.

It's that spike.

A large sudden growth, and then very strangely a sudden decrease but down to only a half of that before the sudden increase.

Then a small rise followed by another sudden large decrease.

And since then there appears to be cap placed on traffic to TTS. Afetr April 2017, after a gradual increase in traffic there is a sudden decrease. And the level that sudden decrease appears to be a particular level, because it's happened twice since then.

So what was going on around this time?

Google was implementing and tuning its censorship algorithms. Around the same time several other websites were suffering the same censorship, notably World Socialist Web Site.

You will also note that the traffic was slashed by between 80% and 90% by these Google censorship algorithms.

So why censor TTS?

TTS is exposing:
1. Trump's anti-Americanism by him using cheap Communist Chinese sweatshops for years, and he encouraged Ivanka to base the supply chain for her global fashion business on cheap Communist Chinese sweatshops too;
2. Trump's allegiance to Israel;
3. the true nature of Roy Cohn, not the whitewash produced by the MSM who portrayed Cohn as just a crazy, loveable rogue.

So, where were PrisonPlanet and Infowars during that time January 2017 to April 2017?


Exactly like their sponsors the Zionist U S Military Intelligence on 9/11.

And you can now see why:
1. Trump has now appointed Adelson favourite, John "mentally unstable maniac" Bolton as NSA;
2. Trump is now trying to provoke war on Iran for Israel to complete the PNAC 9/11 war plan;
3. Captain Milkshake is now promoting the soft-sell for war on Iran after years of opposition, and is far more concerned about his rightist Zionist mates being milkshaked and not Iran being nuked for Israel and "cancer on the world" Saudi Arabia.

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