
Saturday, May 18, 2019


When it comes to war, what does that media do?

I'm talking social media.

I'm talking mainstream media.

I'm talking 'alternative' media.

We saw what happened after 9/11. Left and right mainstream all united for war. But none of them have fully investigated what happened on 9/11 or after. Or if they did then they haven't published their findings.


Coz Operation Mockingbird.

The CIA and U S Military Intelligence control the media. All of the 3 branches named above. Alex Jones revealed last year that Infowars is part of a U S Military Intelligence operation, and that Infowars and Trump are assets of U S Military Intelligence.

But where were the CIA and U S Military Intelligence on 9/11?


Totally AWOL.

And not just that, after 9/11 they got it all wrong and the USA (United States of AIPAC) has been at war for Israel for nearly 20 years.


That's longer than the USA was at war in WW1, WW2 and in Vietnam combined, folks.

And the CIA and U S Military Intelligence got 9/11 all wrong?

And Infowars and Captain Milkshake work for them.

The truth is that even though they work for those traitors they don't know the score. They're not consulted on their bans and re-instatements and asked, "Do you agree to being banned if it generates sympathy for our push for war?"

Nope. It just happens. They cry foul. But not when genuine anti-war sites are attacked.

So even though Jones, Watson, Owens, etc get censored, they are part of the CIA/U S Military Intelligence propaganda network, but as is the case with the vast majority of employees they don't know what's really going on above them. At the real top.

1. Alex Jones was banned, but not completely banned;
2. same with Watson.

That generated sympathy for them.

So they can continue to promote the blame-leftists-muslims-and-immigrants mantra with reduced opposition to war on Iran, and thus deflect blame from the real culprits and remain not opposed to war on Iran coz Islam.

But not one mainstream media outlet such as CNN (alleged leftist) or Fox (alleged rightist) has reported that Infowars is CIA/U S Military Intelligence!

Not one.


Because they are ALL controlled by Operation Mockingbird run by the CIA and U S Military Intelligence.

So I say: just ignore all this banning etc. There is a much deeper operation going down here. And it's war on Iran.

Because when it comes down to it, the leftist and rightist media in all 3 branches will promote war in one way or another.

Coz that's the agenda of the CIA and U S Military Intelligence, for Wall Street and Israel.

Take Captain Milkshake. Ten years ago he was writing articles against war on Iran because it was for the NWO. About 5 years ago he called John Bolton a "mentally unstable maniac" and Saudi Arabia "a cancer on the world". But in the last week we have not seen or heard this. We have seen or heard no such opposition to war on Iran, and in fact have instead seen several tweets suggesting that war on Iran would be acceptable because then women in Iran would not be forced to wear the hijab. And no condemnation of John Bolton. And no criticism of Saudi Arabia.


Coz Watson sold out. To the CIA/U S Military Intelligence network that controls the media, that drives the USA into war, and those wars are wars for Israel.

And he knows it!!

Sad, but true.

So just watch, and watch very carefully, as the drums for war on Iran are banged louder and louder. And they will. Coz the Zionists got Trump into the White House to complete their 9/11 plan to eliminate all resistance to Israel in the Middle East by using the might of the U S military against Iraq, Libya, Syria and soon Iran.

So as we creep closer and closer to war on Iran, note:
1. who we are supposed to sympathise with (those who are partially banned who do not oppose war) and thus sympathise with their ideas etc;
2. who is totally banned or not partially banned to generate sympathy, or is is plain censored like TTS was in early 2017.

TTS was seriously censored in early 2017, just after Trump was inaugurated. I was exposing his relationship with Roy Cohn, Trump's loyalty to Israel, and that for decades he and his family, in particular Ivanka, have been using cheap Communist Chinese sweatshops instead of small American family companies, which shatters the Make America Great Again slogan. The website I found that info on was also quickly deleted.

This is how the media is controlled. The CIA and U S Military Intelligence control it all on behalf of Israel. You have:
1. why did censorship of TTS and the deletion of the website on Trump/Chinese sweatshops only occur very quickly AFTER Trump had been inaugurated?;
2. Why did Infowars not whine then even though it wasn't just TTS but also other lefty, anti-war websites opposed to Trump?


Coz, as Alex Jones has confessed, Infowars is controlled by U S Military Intelligence, who were AWOL on 9/11, but for nearly 20 years they have been working to advance the Israeli Yinon Plan that 9/11 kicked off.

And Trump is U S Military Intelligence!

All this is decades in planning. Christopher Bollyn is very close. It all started in the late 1970s very shortly after the Likud took control of Israel in 1977. Then Netanyahu started to organise conferences and write books to blame all terror on Palestinians and the likes of Iraq, Iran, Hezbollah, etc. Then A Clean Break was published which called for war on Iraq, Iran, etc. Then Murdoch-financed PNAC wrote Rebuilding America's Defenses which called for war on Iraq, Iran etc. Then Roger Stone got W into the White House to be surrounded by PNAC. Then 9/11 somehow happened.

Then 9/11 somehow happened! And the CIA and U S Military Intelligence were somehow AWOL.

Then, as General Wesley Clark has revealed, PNAC Rumsfeld wanted war on Iraq, Iran, etc.


Hence Captain Milkshake is working to destroy TTS by manipulating as many as he can for that aim.

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