
Sunday, June 30, 2019


If you thought there were way too many Made-in-China goods already then give it a year and you'll be sick.

A few weeks ago I showed a plot of GDPs. China and the USA are running away. GDP growth in the EU has stagnated. So Brexit will allow the UK to hang on to the coat tails of the USA and China.

Some, the British establishment included, want that coz they're at the top making the profits.

There aren't many exploitative sweatshops in the EU. There are good worker's rights and benefits, but these are being attacked, and the French are rebelling, as they usually do.

But China?

All those goods made in cheap Communist Chinese sweatshops in the tyranny of China made by employees with very few employment rights and benefits. And then those goods will be flown or shipped from China to the UK.

Meanwhile the USA via a strong lurch to the political right and with automation will lead to the creation of sweatshops for humans as robots are introduced more and more. And then the goods still need to be flown or shipped to the UK.

If you are a believer in local produce then Brexit is utter madness. The EU is not exactly local to the UK. But it is more local than a cheap Communist Chinese sweatshop!

The British establishment really don't care about workers. All they care about is profit.

Also note that it is the EU which is trying to stop Iran from enriching uranium after Trump pulled the USA out of the nuclear deal. If Iran starts enriching uranium again then Israel will have the excuse to attack Iran, and with the biggest Zionist on the planet Trump as POTUS he will not stand idly by, even though it was he who pulled out of the deal in the first place! But that is why he was bought at AIPAC 2016.

This is the irony of Brexit. Many voted for Brexit because they believed it would stop 'the globalists'.

But Brexit will lead to much more globalism (goods made in sweatshops in the USA and China andn then transported to the UK), and Brexit will probably lead to a weakened if not destroyed EU and war on Iran to complete the 9/11 war plan (which is 11 years behind schedule).

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