
Tuesday, June 18, 2019


How do you know that there are no secret surveillance cameras in your bedroom?

Because you can't see anything like this?

There's this organisation called the mob. And then there's their friends like MI5, or the FBI, or the CIA, or Mossad, etc.

The mob does work for the intels. And gives the intels info, legally gained or not. And the intels gladly accept the info and look t'other way as the mob goes about their business.

That's how it works in the UK: we spilled our blood in their world wars; they still treat us like shit.

About 20 years ago a TV series called Big Brother was broadcast. Several people were filmed as they lived in a closed environment from which they could not escape. The 1960's series The Prisoner was a fictional forerunner. This Big Brother series continued for many years, and was even extended to include celebrities in an attempt to glamourise surveillance. The title gave the game away: the big brother society.

The whole point of Big Brother was to acclimatise the general public to intrusive surveillance, even extending into your home.

Today we now find the CIA and their ilk living in, recording events in and influencing thoughts in your home via Alexa.

But what if there is something even more sinister going on?

Not all surveillance cameras are as blatantly obvious as those above.

What if the mob is installing secret surveillance devices in bedrooms all around the world and broadcasting images to a secret pay-per-view network for perverts?

And you and your wife/husband are tonight's unwitting guest stars?

How do you know?

How can you be 100% sure?

With all that the phrase 'the mob' evokes?

All they care about is money: how much they can get; no matter how it is gained.

And the intels love that kind of stuff.

And they couldn't give a flea's fart about you.

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