
Friday, June 28, 2019


Bummit News is the latest media venture of Captain Pervert, aka Paul Joesph Watson.

Shortly after 9/11 Paul wrote a half-decent book on 9/11 and the perps. He blamed the NWO and their intels. This book got him a job at Infowars. Over the next decade or so Infowars would then blame 9/11 on Israel and Saudia Arabia, and all terror on NWO intels: CIA, FBI, Mossad, MI5/6, etc.

In the middle of 2014 Israel launched yet another devastating war on Gaza, killing at least 1500, 500 of whom were children. It is a series of wars like that and illegal blockades by Israel that have brought Gaza to the brink of collapse. Indeed, according the UN Gaza has only 6 months before it becomes uninhabitable. Paul produced just 1 video on that 2014 war and that mocked Israel's right to defend itself after Israel blew up 4 children who were simply playing football on the beach.

But on the other side of the Atlantic there was 1 man who organised a rally in support of Israel's infanticide in 2014. That man is Ezra Levant of Rebel TV. The rally was held in Calgary, Canada.

When Trump first announced his intention to run for the presidency Infowars called Trump out as a shill, highlighting his close friendship with the Clintons. But then this geezer Roger Stone began to appear on Infowars to push Trump and Infowars began to support Trump.

Stone was the guy who got George W Bush into the White House to enable 9/11 and the subsequent wars. And it was Stone who enabled the financial crisis of 2007/8. So Stone is to me the rightist globalist fixer.

In 2016 when the Trump campaign took off, Infowars began to work with very Zionist media. You would think that due to their opposing positions on the infanticide during the 2014 Israeli war on Gaza that Paul and the aforementioned Zionist Ezra Levant would be sworn enemies? WRONG!! In fact, Paul and Ezra frequently appeared on each others shows, laughing, joking and promoting Trump. And both still re-tweet each other!

And also after Stone began to appear on Infowars they changed from blaming everything bad on the NWO, their intels, the banks, British monarchy, Freemasonry, Bilderberg, CFR, etc, to blaming everything bad on leftists, muslims and immigrants.


Well, it turns out that Infowars and Trump are both assets of U S Military Intelligence! Which makes Paul Joseph Watson a U S Military Intelligence. And his sell-out over 9/11 and the subsequent wars proves it.

He sold out.

Paul actually sold out all those who, rather than be slowly roasted alive, threw themselves out of the 82nd floor of the WTC.

Trump won in 2016 because of 3 things:
1. Bilderberg Zionist Rupert Murdoch (who is also driving Brexit);
2. Zionist media such as Breitbart and sell-out Infowars;
3. the FBI stabbing Clinton in the back.

Now, U S Military Intelligence is supposed to protect the USA. So where were they on 9/11? Conveniently AWOL.

And what have they done since 9/11? Planned and executed wars for the perps of 9/11 : Israel and Saudi Arabia.

And it's not just this Stone/Trump/Zionist/U S Military Intelligence thing.

It also turns out that Trump's greatest friend was Roy Cohn. So who was Cohn? Cohn ran paedophile rings for the CIA for 2 reasons: to obtain and use blackmail material; to supply children to be abused at the 'parties' of CIA-sponsored satanists, some of which Cohn attended.

And it doesn't end there. Because Alex Jones' family founded the extremely racist Republic of Texas, and fought at the rank of colonel and general in the Confederate Army to defend negro slavery. Infowars still subtly pushes and defends the Confederacy and attacks Abraham Lincoln.

So with Paul Joseph Watson you have someone who:
1. is happy in the company of racists;
2. initially blamed 9/11, the subsequent wars and terror in general on the NWO and their intels, and everything else bad on the banks, British monarchy, Bilderberg, CFR, etc;
3. now blames everything bad, including 9/11 and the wars and terror, on leftists, muslims and immigrants;
4. is protecting Roger Stone's role in 9/11 and the financial crisis of 2007/8;
5. is also protecting deep, dark CIA/Mossad agent Roy Cohn and his paedophile rings;
6. and regularly retweets Zionists Ezra Levant who organised a rally in support of Israel's infanticide of 500 innocent children in 2014, and hangs out with other very influential Zionists.

Oh, and he's also a manipulating pervert who uses mob/MI5 secret surveillance networks in very anti-war houses for his own private benefit.

And I assume he also knows who stole those external hard drives, as well as my codes, theses, ideas, etc.

This is the heritage of Bummit News.

As for me?

I haven't sold out over 9/11 and the subsequent wars, and never will.

I was zapped for nearly 7 years between summer 1998 and spring 2005 inclusive, and want that network exposed and stopped. I will continue to expose that there is stalking/E M harrassment network that works to destroy those who the system does not like.

And I will to continue to expose who engineered WW1, WW2, how the Zionists benefited from both, the British-assisted ethnic cleaning of Palestine, the USS Liberty, 9/11 and the financial crisis of 2007/8.

And apparently I'm the bad guy!!

It really is a topsy-turvy crayzee world.

Paul can continue blaming leftists, muslims and immigrants for everything.

But did leftists, muslims and immigrants engineer and finance WW1? Nope.
Did leftists, muslims and immigrants engineer and finance WW2? Nope.
Did leftists, muslims and immigrants murder and terrorise 800k Palestinians and steal their lands and farms? Nope (not quite true coz it was Zionist Jewish immigrants who did that assisted by the British Army)
Did leftists, muslims and immigrants attack the USS Liberty? Nope.
Do leftists, muslims and immigrants control the Federal Reserve? Nope.
Do leftists, muslims and immigrants control Bilderberg, CFR, Skull & Bones, Freemasonry, etc? Nope.
Did leftists, muslims and immigrants engineer the financial crisis of 2007/8? Nope.

And did leftists, muslims and immigrants engineer 9/11 and the subsequent wars? Nope.

The fact is that Paul sold out. His different behaviours before and after Stone proves it. How can you trust someone who sold out like this, over the major events of last and this century?

The fact is, you can't.

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