
Monday, June 10, 2019


You have GOT to read this!

Not only does it show the alt-right Watson/Jones/Robinson etc eating themselves, but poor Tommy Robinson is portrayed as a saint!

Yeah! I KNOW!!

Robinson just tried to deck a charity worker England fan from behind, but fortunately the victim began to turn around as Tommy threw his punch and smacked the victim on the left side of his face, otherwise we could be talking about attempted murder.

And not only that. Ezra Levant is also portrayed as a saint too!

Yeah! I KNOW!!

Levant supported the infanticide of 500 children in Gaza in 2014 and held a rally in Calgary, Canada to drum up support for even more Zionist infanticide in Gaza!!

Everybody's favourite Zionist sell-out Captain Pervert has a few words to say too. And ironically those words are about manipulation. What delicious irony. Watson is being groomed to become the next Roger Stone/Roy Cohn.

Ladies and gentlemen. The alt-right eats itself.

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