
Friday, July 19, 2019


That is the title of a subsection in Paul Joseph Watson's book Order Out Of Chaos which exposed 9/11 as an inside job.

Here's what that subsection says:
From July 4th-14th 2001, Osama bin Laden was being treated for kidney infection at the American Hospital, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Bin Laden arrived by air via Quetta, Pakistan accompanied by his doctor and a close aide, possibly Ayman el Zawahiri, a leader of Egypt's Islamic Jihad, and was treated in the urology department headed by Dr. Terry Callaway. There, on multiple occasions, he met with CIA station Chief Larry Mitchell. Bin Laden gave Mitchell 'precise information' regarding 'an imminent attack' on the U.S.

This was originally reported by the respected French daily Le Figaro and later picked up by United Press International. Although the CIA denied the report Le Figaro refused to retract it and said their French Secret Service and American Hospital staff sources were reliable. This is one of several examples where French intelligence, furious with their US and UK counterparts for treating terrorists as friends, have blown the whistle and commendably so. The International Herald Tribune rubbished the report but Radio France International was able to confirm its veracity.

...In addition to this, Ali Mohamed, an Egyptian born US citizen who helped organize funds for Al-Qaeda and was instrumental in the planning of the Nairobi Embassy bombing, was working for American intelligence at the same time.

Mohamed spent years as an FBI informant while training Osama bin Laden’s bodyguards and Al-Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan and Sudan. In 1984 he was identified as a terrorist by the CIA. I presume this is why he was issued a visa and became an American citizen, subsequently joining the army and being posted to Fort Bragg, N.C., home of the elite Special Forces. Mohamed’s commanding officer t. Col. Robert Anderson noticed his suspicious behavior.

Anderson said he wrote detailed reports aimed at getting Army intelligence to investigate Mohamed -- and have him court-martialed and deported -- but the reports were ignored. Anderson said all this convinced him that Mohamed was "sponsored" by a U.S. intelligence service. "I assumed the CIA," he said.

With the protection of the U.S. government, Mohamed helped smuggle in Al-Qaeda terrorists to the country via Canada. After openly bragging that he “loved bin Laden and “believed in him” Mohamed helped plan the logistics for the embassy bombing. It was only after lying to a U.S. grand jury investigating the embassy bombings that he was finally arrested.

Bin Laden meeting with the CIA just before September 11 is one of the biggest red flags imaginable. Suffice to say, when the mass media ask ‘what did the President know?’ they do not dare bring up this kind of information.

And the next subsection, Warnings on the Eve of the Attack, implicates his employers, U S Military Intelligence:
Newsweek twice reported that top Pentagon officials had got a warning of the impending attack on September 10th and cancelled their flights for the next day. This confirms that these officials knew both the locations of the imminent attack and the method of using jetliners as bombs.

CIA meeting bin Laden many times during the summer of 2001?

U S Military Intelligence getting detailed warnings the day before 9/11 and doing nothing?

All this begs the question: where were U S Military Intelligence on 9/11?

But also: who now work for U S Military Intelligence as propaganda merchants?

Yep. Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson.

And you can easily tell.

Before rightist globalist fixer Roger Stone appeared on Infowars to flog Trump, they blamed terror and everything bad on the NWO intels, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the banks, British monarchy, Freemasonry, Bilderberg, CFR, Skull & Bones, etc.

But after Stone, everything bad is now due to leftists, muslims and immigrants, and al Qaeda really did do 9/11

That's why they now allow Trump to peddle the myth that al Qaeda did 9/11, and join in on Trump's assault on Ilhan Omar.

Trump said he knew who did 9/11. But if it was different from the official myth then why has he not opened a new inquiry? Nope. Everything points to Trump failing the litmus test of 9/11.

9/11 was done by U S intels, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

But get a load of this:
1. Trump and Infowars are now U S Military Intelligence agents;
2. Trump claims to be the biggest Zionist on the planet;
3. And Trump sold out to Saudi Arabia faster than you can say, "Trump held underage-sex-and-cocaine parties and his greatest friend Roy Cohn ran paedophile rings for the CIA".

How is it humanly possible to write a book accusing U S intels of 9/11, but then a few years later actually work for those same intels as a propaganda merchant and promote their agenda?!

And not just that, work to destroy those who have not only remained steadfast in their position on 9/11, but also actually exposed Trump and the extreme rightist racist Zionist network that spawned him and did 9/11.

The sad truth is that Watson sold out this guy for a few yankee dollars from U S Military Intelligence (who were AWOL on 9/11):

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