
Monday, August 19, 2019


The snakepit that is Info-whores.

Infowhores is CIA.

It's also U S Military Intelligence.

It's also a snakepit.

They say they want us to have freedom and privacy but they're secretly spying on your daughter sucking her boyfriend's cock and streaming the images across the world through a secret pay-per-view channel and using the profits with the mob to fund their illegal black ops running death squads to assassinate 'trouble makers' who simply want national control over national resources.

And Paul Joseph Watson is a snake from the snakepit, masquerading as a 'freedom fighter' while he continues to blame leftists and immigrants for everything after making a fortune claiming that the NWO have done everything bad.

Coz that's what your fathers and grandfathers fought and died for in WW1 and WW2.


Can we unsnake Watson?

Clue: no fucking way!


Coz he doesn't want to be unsnaked?


Coz he's on a nice bunsen burner from the CIA/U S Military Intelligence, flogging their muslims-did-9/11 bollocks.

Once you make a fortune from blaming 9/11 on NWO intels but then sell out and blame muslims for 9/11 and everything else then you're an incorrigible poisonous snake.

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