
Monday, August 26, 2019


Garth posted a video by U S Military Intelligence propaganda merchant Paul Joseph Watson who first made a fortune from claiming 9/11 was an inside job and all terror is run by the intels, but then sold out to those same intels to make another fortune by flogging their anti-Muslim, pro-war, pro-Israel, pro-'Murica propaganda.

Who's paying for his 'reporting' in Hong Kong?

Now Garth has posted a video on daddy Dave's website of a 'comedian' mocking Owen Jones' claim that he was attacked.

Problem for the 'comedian' (and Garth) is that Owen's friends were there, observed the attack and jumped in to help Owen and were assaulted themselves. They all received minor injuries. Owen had been the focus of far-right activism for a while.

So is the 'comedian' sure that Owen and his friends would make this up? That they would assault each other to make it look like they had been assaulted by a far-right gang?

Why is Garth questioning Owen Jones when he should be questioning why Rupert Murdoch is driving Brexit?

In fact, why isn't daddy Dave doing that?

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