
Tuesday, August 20, 2019


The very second that Da Orange Man was inaugurated Google began a massive camapaign to silence TTS and other genuine leftist, antiwar websites. I've shown the plots of traffic to TTS.

Here's the latest, and just as I predicted a few months ago, once visits to TTS hit a level of about 50% of the peak, there would be, and there has been, a sudden drop in visits.

Who knows the number of visits to TTS?

The general public?

Or the CIA/U S Military Intelligence/Google (they're all one).

And the fact that the CIA/U S Military Intelligence/Google are all one is Watson's achilles heel.

We know that Infowars is CIA and U S Military Intelligence. Alex Jones said so.

Paul Joseph Watson was editor of Infowars but left last year to pursue his own media empire.

Problem for Paul is that as Editor of Infowars he changed his tune from blaming everything on the NWO to now blame everything on leftists, muslims and immigrants, which is what the CIA/U S Military Intelligence love so much. Since leaving Infowars, Paul has not changed these latter accusations, which suggests he is still a U S Military Intelligence propaganda merchant, and if anything has in fact (if indeed it his him and not his U S Military Intelligence handler) amplified these accusations, with the slightest crime committed by a Muslim or a leftist or an immigrant reported as a holocaust.

But who ultimately controls the media: the intels.

The CIA, MI5, MI6, FBI, Mossad, etc.

So when they 'censor' their own propaganda assets, what do you think is going on? Particularly as those propaganda assets continue to promote the very ideas that the CIA, MI5, MI6, FBI, Mossad, etc., want promoting!

It's so those CIA/FBI/MI5/MI6/US Military Intelligence propaganda assets can whinge and whine that the NWO are censoring them so they must be telling the truth.

And not forgetting that Da Orange Man is, like Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson, also a U S Military Intelligence agent! Hence the near double spending on the already bloated imperial U S Military under Da Orange Man.

Ten years ago Paul Joseph Watson wrote several articles opposing war on Iran while also accusing the Saudis of 9/11, etc. Now Watson promotes war on Iran and barely criticises the Saudis.

Meanwhile, where were the CIA/U S Military Intelligence on 9/11? Sucking each others' you-know-whats?

Also meanwhile: consistently anti-war, anti-Trump TTS suffers from the above censorship algorithm.

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