
Sunday, August 18, 2019


As always, there is much more to events as epic as Brexit.

The difference with Brexit is that David Icke is assisting the Anglo-American-Zionist Establishment in creating unnecessary chaos and committing manslaughter.

Coz reptiles in the moon or something.

Icke said Conrad Black and Rupert Murdoch know what is going on.

Murdoch financed the Neoconservatives, and then flogged the propaganda for the wars after 9/11.

Murdoch then promoted Orange Man, and he apparently advises Orange Man over the phone every week.

Murdoch then kicked off Brexit by at first meeting Nigel Farage in secret several times, before promoting Farage, and then Brexit through his media empire.

Murdoch's best mate is Michael Gove, who is now in charge of preparing for a no-deal Brexit on 31st October this year.

Boris Johnson's first job as a journalist was at Murdoch's The Times. Conrad Black then gave Johnson his first major job in editing, first at The Daily Telegraph and then at The Spectator. Johnson left The Spectator to become an MP, Mayor of London, MP again, and 'somehow' is now Prime Minister sprinting towards a do-or-die no-deal Brexit.

Problem is Johnson won't be doing the dying. It'll be sick and old people who won't get their life-saving medicines or operations.

The guy who is credited with winning the EU referendum in June 2016 is Dominic Cummings. He married into the original British Establishment banking family of Baring. His wife Mary Wakefield is a direct descendant of Francis Baring, and she is Commissioning Editor of The Spectator (see above). Cummings was special advisor to Gove and is now special advisor to PM BoJo.

So don't tell me there is nothing going on with Brexit.

Rupert Murdoch, Conrad Black and the Perfide Albion Establishment have their grubby fingers all over Brexit.

Hence this :

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