
Sunday, August 25, 2019


And not just those 4 rogues/murderers, it's also the same camp as U S Military Intelligence propaganda merchant Paul Joseph Watson as well as U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset Info-whores.

I'll ask again: where are all those UK citizens in Europe going to live when they get booted out of their host nations? Icke's little flat on the Isle of Wight? Pffft!

Will he be waiting for them at Southampton docks to welcome them back to Blighty with a big urn of Yorkshire tea served in tacky Charles and Diana mugs, and a toasted slice of Warburton's Toastie served on a tacky plate with an image of the British royal family?

Er, nope.

Where will be? Hiding in his flat, dreaming of reptiles and Israel.

Virtually everything has been agreed between Great Britain and the EU, except the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland, and citizens rights. A lot of people, both in the UK and the EU will be booted out, or decide that they would be better off returning. And then there is just the initial chaos which will lead to many deaths due to stress and lack of medicine, food, etc.

So you've got this mass movement of people and its effects to consider.

But it's the fact that Icke has slagged off the people who kicked off, drove and are still driving Brexit that is confusing me. And not jut confusing me, but also disturbing me.

Murdoch laid the foundations for the Neoconservative movement that pushed for war on Iraq in the late 1990s. Murdoch promoted the wars after 9/11. Murdoch backed Trump in 2016. And Murdoch kicked-off and drove Brexit. Icke has written that Murdoch knows what is going on.

Netanyahu wants the EU weakened if not destroyed because of their support for the Palestinians and Iran and the nuclear deal.

Trump has called himself the biggest Zionist on the planet and has done everything for Israel, even continuing the cover-up of 9/11.

And Icke has mocked Johnson as a clown many times.

So, why is Icke:
1. not concerned about the forced deportations and migration of hundreds of thousands, if not millions because citizens rights have not been agreed;
2. taking sides with the very people he has mocked and accused of Zionist genocide?

Icke's father was in the RAF during WW2 and was awarded the British Empire Medal. I'm wondering if this has something to do with it? WW2 has a lot do with the decision of many older people in Great Britain to vote to leave.

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