
Thursday, September 12, 2019


It was David Icke's The Biggest Secret that, I wouldn't say 'woke me up', but it definitely said, "Hey. Look some of this shit up."

So I did.

That was in early 2001. I went into town to buy something but somehow I went straight to the bookshop and bought The Biggest Secret without buying what I went into town for in the first place. I then read half the book in the evening and couldn't wait to finish reading the book the following day, which I did.

One of the main concepts I came away with from reading that book was the flag of Saint George and its relationship to The City of London and the gargoyles, etc.

A few weeks ago an unfunny comedian called Alistair Williams accused Owen Jones and his friends of making up an attack on themselves by alleged far right thugs. The Metropolitan Police believe the assault occured and subsequently arrested then released on bail 3 men. There has been nothing since then. Garth Icke published Williams' view of this on daddy David's website.

Now Garth has published another of Williams' vidz, this time on the EU Army.

And what is the backdrop to Williams in this vid?

The flag of Saint George.

But who is driving Brexit?

Rupert Murdoch.

And check out Williams' wish in his little Youtube intro: God Save the Queen.

And he frequently retweets bona fide Zionist U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset Captain Pervert.

So, Williams addresses the concept of an EU Army.

Would this EU Army be independent of the USA?

Is this a suggestion too far?

Tony Gosling will gladly tell you that the EU was formed from CIA money as a bulwark against Soviet Russia., and that the EU is basically the Nazis.

But maybe the EU has become too successful and too independent of the Anglo-American-Zionist Empah?

So successful that even the UK had to join the EEC in the early 1970s coz trade with the EEC was so irresistible, involving hundreds of millions of pounds?

And too independent coz the EU is now too pro-Palestine, pro-Iran and pro the JCPOA nuclear deal?


Williams is a British imperialist. Simple and plain. It's there in the flag of St George. He mocks the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

He hugs/promotes the big white male idea thinking in front of the flag of St George thinking/claiming he's under attack cos he's a white male.


Ten years ago Garth's dad David would have had a quiet word in Garth's ear.

But now with Brexit imminent? And David in his frail dotage?

With David peculiarly in alliance with powerful CIA Bilderberg Zionist Rupert Murdoch who promoted 9/11 and the subsequent wars?

I personally think David is losing his marbles.

David Icke made his name from accusing the Queen of being a reptile.

But now he's allowing his son to promote a 'comedian' who wants to save the Queen.


Yes. Below is a video of Williams demanding that we literally save the Queen. It's not a joke! Williams wants to save the Queen!!!

I gave David much money in the early 2000s for his IP court case, which he won.

But now I find:
1. he spied on me in my bedroom in one of the most anti-war, anti-racist homes in the UK if not the world and he won't say anything about it;
2. his son Garth, probably mentally unwell due to the abuse he suffered as a child due to David's work, is promoting a British imperialist who questioned the far-right attack on Owen Jones, and he wants to save the Queen.

I now firmly believe that sponsoring David Icke was a massive, massive error.

And I humbly and sincerely apologise from the bottom of my heart. I really do. It was money wasted.

If what that has led to is for his homophobic son Garth to usurp David's legacy and hand it over to the likes of bona fide British imperialist Alistair Williams, when we have no idea who William is?


God save the Queen?

Really, Dave?

Is that what you want your legacy to be?

Reptile Queen and all that?

David Icke, who built his career on accusing the Queen of being a reptile, but then:
1. allows his homophobic son to promote a bona fide homophobic British imperialist who demands, God save the queen;
2. allows his homophobic son to frequently use the most disgusting word in the English vocabulary, c**t;
3. sides with one of the most powerful Zionist CIA Bilderberg agents, Rupert Murdoch, to promote a catastrophic, chaotic no-deal Brexit in which many people could die.

Goodbye, pervert David Icke.

The only time I will henceforth refer to you is as a witness who perjured himself.


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