
Friday, September 13, 2019


Something has recently been driving me to watch the 1979 series Testament of Youth again. So I did.

I was watching this about 4 years ago.

If you do not know, Testament of Youth was written by Vera Brittain, and is her memoirs of WW1: she lost her fiancee and 3 very close friends who died in the war; dropped out of Oxford Uni to become a nurse; wrote Testament of Youth; and married George Catlin.

George Catlin was a classic Anglo-American Empah guy.

Perhaps THE classic.

Catlin and Brittain had a daughter called Shirley Williams.

Williams was one of the Gang of Four who split the pro-Labour vote so Thatcher the Milk Snatcher would win in 1979. This was after almost a decade of rumour-mongering from the British press that The Labour Party was Communist. There is very strong evidence that MI5 almost ran a coup against Harold Wilson which would have been run by a member of the British royal family! That's how bad it was in 1970s Great Britain.

Williams has also been to Bilderberg several times and keeps her mouth shut about it.

Why was she invited to Bilderberg?

Anyway: who was George Catlin?

Yes, he worked with HG Wells and wrote the constitution of The Atlantic Institute, which led to NATO.

But who was Catlin?

Catlin : the man?

Why was he such an Anglo-American?

How did he become so influential?

But more importantly : did he have any influence over the development of the EU and Bilderberg?

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