
Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Before 1972: low, almost zero, GDP.

After 1972 : GDP takes off big time!

But now EU GDPs are still growing but slowly, while GDPs of USA and China are the largest in the world, but seem to now be slowing.

This could be used as an argument to leave the EU to sign trade deals with the USA and China.

But GDP is not the only factor to consider.

There are many differences between now and 1972. Some are: threats from Israel to obey Israel; Iran and the JCPOA; Palestine; millions have used freedom of movement to emigrate and settle; the rise of the extreme rightist Zionist hi-tech machine that can swing votes at will.

The UK refused to join the EEC until the late 1960s, but de Gaulle stated that the UK are not Europeans (perfide Albion, splendid isolation and all that). But in 1972 the UK applied to join and in 1972 was accepted into the EEC.

And then UK GDP took off.

So a question to ask is: why did the UK refuse to join the EEC until 1972?

And another question to ask is: is it worth the chaos and very likely manslaughter of a no-deal Brexit just to sign trade deals that will increase globalism with 2 nations whose GDP growth is slowing?

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