
Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Laugh. Splutter.

On 31st August 1997 Diana was engaged to Dodi expecting his child.

What would have been the reaction in the UK to Diana and Dodi first marrying and then having a first child? That reaction would have been half the UK in rapture, a quarter in opposition (the UK is as fucking racist as Italy), and a quarter in doubt, saying, "But you know, she's a nice lady, with good intentions, but you know..."

Now, if that had happened, what would have been the reaction in the UK on 9/11?

Half the UK in love in with Diana and Dodi and a muslim child?

Would Murdoch puppet Tory-blur Blair have been able to convince the UK that we should go to war on a load of bollocks?

There are some suggestions made in the vid below as to why Diana was obviously murdered: land mines (nope); Camilla (maybe); trouble (nope).

But look what happened on 9/11.

Would a much more muslim-friendly UK have been convinced into war?

And without the support of the UK would W have been able to drag the USA into war?

I don't think so.

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