
Saturday, October 19, 2019


Not only is it worse than May's deal, the propaganda coup for the looming general election would be powerful:
1. Bozo, who lied to the Queen;
2. Bozo, who promised that the UK would be leaving the EU on the 31st October, do or die, dead in a ditch, but was forced to beg for an extension;
3. Bozo, who threw Northern Ireland under the bus and risked the unity of the United Kingdom, for his own vanity and selfish purpose.

And then there's the very real possibility that this deal is a scam to engineer a no-deal crash in December next year, for his disaster capitalist backers.

Bozo's deal destroys all those rights and protections that The Labour Party have fought for over the last century. Hard-won rights from the brutal British ruling class who engineer wars and send your sons and daughters to fight and die in those wars.

Another 3 months will not matter too much after 3 and a half years.

But the propaganda coup of Bozo, the ruling lcass bumbling liar and let-down is an election-winner!

Owen Jones' article in The Guardian today is a must-read.

Boris Johnson’s Brexit dream is to shred workers’ rights and social protections

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