
Sunday, October 13, 2019


David Icke came to fame claiming that after taking a shed load of drugs a funny voice spoke to him, and that he was the son of the God-head.

Icke has just published a book called The Trigger which exposes the Frankist-Sabbatean death cult which created Israel.

Icke has been calling out Israel and its founders for decades.

And Icke has for the last several years stated that Trump is Israel's boy.

But the network that put Trump into the White House is also the network driving Brexit.

Yet Icke supports Brexit.

How can this be?

What does it mean?

How can one support a network for driving Brexit when one accuses that same network for engineering all the wars and misery after the 18th Century, if not all wars in history?

And after spying on me for years while I lived in one of the most anti-war, anti-racist homes in the UK, if not the world?

He claimed he was the son of the God-head.

I just wanted to get the banks into court.

And wanted is the operative word.

Coz after Icke's behaviour, and that of others, you can forget it!

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