
Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Some photos from the Liverpool Maritime Museum which also houses the International Slave Trade Museum.


[I have first hand experience of this : I asked for some work of mine sent for free to be deleted, but it wasn't, and instead my codes and ideas were also stolen and my sister's house was also burgled. So Dave? We are all one love and all that bollocks? Pffft! Try telling that to your far right thug son Garth who mocked Owen Jones for being beaten up by far right thugs!]

"The people of Liverpool, in their indiscriminate rage for commerce and getting money at all events, have nearly engrossed this Trade."


"I wasn't invited to shake hands with Hitler but I wasn't invited to the White House to shake hands with the President either."


And here's something on The Lusitania. There is nothing on warnings or the explosive cargo or Churchill or that creepy conversation involving King George V.

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