
Wednesday, October 02, 2019


Watson wrote a book on 9/11. He blamed U S intels who were intent on imposing a Pax Americana on the world on behalf of the New World Order. This led to Watson being given a job at the lucrative conspiracy website Infowars.

Turns out Infowars is a U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset!!

Which makes perfick sense with Alex Jones' family history: Confederate; CIA; ran death squads in Guatemala for the CIA/Pentagon.

Anyway, to get Trump elected the rightist globalist fixer Roger Stone was given regular slots on Infowars to flog old his old mate Trump to the Infowars demographic.

But this led to a 180 turn in the claims Infowars made.

Before Stone: 9/11 and everything bad on the NWO, British monarchy, Israel, Saudi Arabia, banks, intels, Bilderberg, CFR, Skull & Bones, etc.

After Stone: 9/11 and everything bad on leftists, mooslims and immigrants.

Since leaving Infowars Watson continues to blame 9/11 and everything bad on leftists, mooslims and immigrants, which suggests that he is STILL working for U S Military Intelligence as a propaganda asset, and after he tweeted thathe loves Israel last week he could also be working for Israel in the same role.

You remember 9/11, don't you? 3000 people died on the day, and arguably millions in the subsequent wars which continue to this day.

Here's Watson conveniently forgetting that 9/11 and the subsequent wars actually happened.

He remembers the Las Vegas attack 2 years ago and wants an investgation into that.

But he forgets that 9/11 actually happened and doesn't want an investigation into 9/11 coz he now works for the perps of 9/11: U S Military Intelligence (where were they on 9/11?); Israel (he tweets that he loves Israel and has very Zionist mates); Saudi Arabia (no longer calls the Saudis "that cancer on the world").

And never forget that Watson and Infowars sold out this guy. They made a fortune out of blaming 9/11 on U S intels and Israel. Turns out they worked for U S intels all along.

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