
Thursday, October 03, 2019


President Trump, aka the orange one, is President coz of the FBI and Zionists.

Zionists such as Murdoch (media) and Adelson (money) put Trump within touching distance of Clinton.

Trump was losing in the polls in summer 2016 but was not too far behind Clinton. But then with just weeks to go before election day the FBI said they'd found thousands of suspicious Clinton emails (which they had actually been sitting on for months). This led to Clinton losing 4% in the polls. But with just days to go before election day the FBI then admitted that there was nothing suspicious in those emails. Clinton regained about 1%. But it was too late.

So Trump won.

Since winning Trump has:
1. sold out to the perps of 9/11;
2. done everything his sponsor Sheldon Adelson wanted regarding Iran, Israel/Palestine, and taxes;
3. boosted military spending for his employer U S Military Intelligence;
4. dragged the USA into a rate of debt of $1 trillion per year;
5. become very, very, very orange indeed.

But this militaristic Zionism has stalled according to Captain Pervert of U S Military Intelligence, which he says is not good.

So he wants to lead us all out of this and inject the spirit of 2016 into politics etc.

But he needs you, YES YOU!, to help him.

And, he claims, the only way you can do that is for you to, yes, finance him (so he can go to Hong Kong for a week and not to Gaza).


Watson sold out to the perps of 9/11.

The guy is a massive pervert.

The guy is a massive Zionist U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset.

Let him eat and then drown in his own shit and that of his beloved Zionist orange one.

After making a fortune out of this poor guy and many others, Watson sold out this guy:

In other words: the U S Military Intelligence plan to use Watson to take over Europe as is failing BIG TIME!!

Now THAT is something to be happy about.

I am.

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