
Thursday, November 07, 2019


Garth is dragging it into the far right arena.

The forces driving Brexit are the Anglo-American-Zionist forces.

Roger Stone belongs in prison.

Stone is the fixer for the extreme rightist Zionist globalists.

Stone got George W Bush into the White House to enable 9/11.

Stone then scuttled Eliot Spitzer to enable the financial crisis of 2007/8.

And Tucker Carlson's dad is CIA.

Just like Alex Jones is CIA.

If you get Stone in prison he could reveal so much information to save his sorry ass that he could expose a lot of CIA/paedophile activity. Stone, as alleged by LPAC/EIR, was the homosexual lover of Roy Cohn who ran paedophile networks for the mob/CIA and most likely the Mossad.

As for Russiagate?

There is a lot going on between Trump, Putin and Israel, as I've been pointing out for years, and did so only yesterday pointing to Adam Green's latest vid on Putin and Israel. Putin is now overtly taking orders from Netanyahu, and even losing Russia weapons sales and thus tax revenue. Coz infanticidal Netanyahu demanded!!

And Garth:
1. mocked Owen Jones after Jones was violently assaulted by far right thugs;
2. mocked me after my sister's house was burgled.

If we can get Stone into prison then he could squeal like a pig and reveal everything he knows about Roy Cohn and CIA paedophile rings.

Instead, Garth promotes CIA derivative Tucker Carlson (who wants war on Iran at any cost) as Carlson tries to keep Stone out of prison!?

Well, fcuk dat sheeet!!

We need Stone and Trump in prison so they sing, sing, sing to reveal all they know about Cohn and the paedophile networks he ran for the CIA.

Sadly Garth cannot see this, blinded by his far right extremism.

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