
Saturday, November 16, 2019


Infowhores et al are crying about Roger Stone being found guilty.

But he was found guilty by a jury of 12 of his peers.

He wasn't found guilty by 'the left', as info-whores are alleging/claiming.

Stone was found guilty by a jury of 12 of his peers(9 women, 3 men), not by 12 card-carrying Communists, of lying to Congress among other crimes.

Stone is the extreme rightist Zionist globalist fixer. He gets things done for the extreme rightist Zionist faction of the globalists.

The crimes which Stone has been found guilty of are nothing compared to the global misery he has brought to many, many, in the millions, people.

Stone ran a riot in Florida in 2000 to stop a recount in the Presidential election. This gave Florida to George W Bush, which led to W becoming President. A year later 9/11 occured and W went to war in Iraq for the Zionist PNAC. That war was just 1 of several wars that had planned for decades, continue to this day, with the big final war on Iran yet to come. Would 9/11 have happened if Al Gore had won in 2000? Very unlikely, coz Gore would not have surrounded himself by PNAC like W did. It was PNAC who wrote in 2000 that they wanted a "new Pearl Harbor" to go to war around the globe to assert US hegemony (for Israel). Gore would not have been surrounded/influenced/ordered by PNAC so the Zionists would not have executed 9/11 and the wars would not have occured. So through the Brooks Brothers Riot, as it was called, Stone enabled 9/11 and the subsequent wars.

Stone also enabled the financial crisis of 2007/8. He torpedoed Eliot Spitzer who, as Attorney General and Governor of Manhattan and New York, was investigating the corrupt practices of Wall Street. When Spitzer resigned due to a high class prostitution scandal the investigation stopped which allowed the crisis to develop.

It is absolutely astonishing that one man, Roger Stone, could play such significant roles in the 2 most significant events of this century. This is why Stone is the extreme rightist Zionist globalist fixer. He gets things done.

But Stone was also close, in fact very close, to Roy Cohn who ran paedophile rings for the CIA/mob, and if Cohn was not working for Mossad then he was very likely passing on what he knew to Mossad. Stone is alleged to have been the homosexual lover of Cohn.

It was Stone who in 2015/6 changed the propaganda that Info-whores spewed. Stone regularly appeared on Info-whores to promote Trump to the Info-whores demographic. The problem for Trump is his naked Zionism. He can't hide it and doesn't want to. But for years Info-whores had been blaming 9/11 and all terror on the intels, including Mossad. Info-whores and many Info-whores guests accused Israel of running and gaining from 9/11. So Info-whores stopped blaming wars and terror on the intels and Israel and began to blame everything bad on leftists, muslims and immigrants.

Yep. Info-whores sold out.

Info-whores continue this "blame everything bad on leftists, muslims and immigrants" because, as Alex Jones has confessed many times, Info-whores is a U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset. Jones and others also claim that Trump is also a U S Military Intelligence asset. Where were U S Military Intelligence on 9/11? AWOL. Has Trump re-opened 9/11? Nope. He instead sold out to the perps of 9/11 (Israel and Saudi Arabia).

And despite leaving Info-whores, Paul Joseph "Scoop" Watson continues to push this propaganda, and still flogs caffeine-based 'health' products for Info-whores!!

And since becoming President Trump has also sold out to the perps of 9/11 (Israel and Saudi Arabia), not locked Hillary Clinton up, plunged the USA into debt at a rate of over $1 trillion per year, and given his sponsors (U S Military Intelligence and Israel) most of what they want.

So Stone has brought much death, misery and pain to millions and millions of people around the globe and empowered the network that did 9/11.

He was found guilty by 12 of his peers of lying to Congress among other crimes.

Dodgy Roger Stone belongs in prison for a very long time.

And if you want to be physically sick then watch how Paul Joseph Watson defend Stone.

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