
Friday, November 22, 2019


Ridiculously Zionist.

The plot centres around a zombie outbreak. Within 24 hours 99.9% of the world's population are zombies.

Only one nation appears to be winning: Israel. Why? Because it built a wall!

So our hero (played by Brad Pitt) flies to Israel to find out what's going on Israel. But while he's there he is shown how Israel is being kind by allowing Palestinians inside Fortress Jerusalem (due to yet another huge wall). These Palestinians start to loudly sing a celebratory song over a PA. It appears that some Israelis join in. But the loud celebratory singing drives the zombies into a frenzy, and they start to try and manage to scale the wall (100ft high?). The IDF start to shoot the zombies and all hell breaks lose. Pitt and his minder, a female IDF soldier escape, and he has to cut off her hand after she is bitten by a zombie. Anyway, they both escape and save the day. Hurrah!

One possible interpretation of this is that Israel built the wall to protect and isolate Jews, and mixing with the Palestinians only brings trouble for Israel. And the USA and Israel united together can save the world from a catastrophe such as the zombies, ie Palestinians.

Oh, and one of the production companies for World War Z is SkyDance Productions. The founder and CEO of SkyDance is David Ellison. Ellison is the son of one of the richest people in the world, Larry Ellison, who is a commited Zionist who created and developed Oracle. Larry Ellison got his seed money from the CIA.

World War Z was released in 2013.

In 2014 Israel engineered a devastating, gencocidal and infanticidal war on Gaza, killing thousands of Palestinians and 500 children in Gaza, while only a handful of Israelis died.


Welcome to your world.

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