
Saturday, November 09, 2019


He's said it publicly a few times, but this proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

The problem the warmongers have is that they are 11 years behind schedule.

They wrecked Iraq first and kept that destabilised, and were hoping that they could move swiftly on to the nations on the hit list and finish off Iran by 2009. But the American public got really sick of the war in Iraq and didn't want any more war. So as reported by Seymour Hersh in The Redirection in 2007 the US-Israel-Saudi axis-of-evil came up with this bloodsoaked plan to unleash the worst kind of international cutthroat Jihadis onto the next nations on their hit list, Libya and Syria, take them out, isolate Iran and then take out Iran. To provide cover for these international cutthroat Jihadis the US State Department (basically the CIA) organised and executed The Arab Spring. That was successful for them at first in Libya, but not so much in Syria. The US-Israel-Saudi axis-of-evil were forced into creating an entity even more cutthroat: Islamic State. And they've failed due to the heroic efforts of the Syrian Arab Army and allied forces such as Iran and Hezbollah.

But during this time Iraq has stabilised to some degree, has become united and wants the USA out, thus depriving the USA of Iraq as a base from which to attack Iraq's ally Iran.

It all comes down to 9/11.

Trump told his 'base' he'd expose 9/11. He said he knew who did it. But he has betrayed them all. And he's done it for Israel and his bank account(s). He's now talking about packing it all in and going back to reality TV with a show called The White House Apprentice!!

It' time for Alex Jones, Scoop and all the other deluded Trumpers to admit they were totally wrong, and then like Trump, pack it all in and find another career instead of promoting Zionist U S Military Intelligence propaganda.

Perhaps they could become professional perverts and thieves?

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