
Monday, November 04, 2019


He wrote the following in Alice in Wonderland:
The media play their part to perfection in these 'problem-reaction-solution' scenarios.At ownership level, people like Conrad Black at the Hollinger Group and Rupert Murdoch of News international know what is going on. The editors they appoint might know something about it, as may certain columnists, but most of the journalists will have no idea. The editor is always there to block anything they write that is against the interests of the Illuminati - as directed by the owner - and if they insist on pursuing an unwelcome story they find themselves looking for another job.

Rupert Murdoch.

CIA/Bilderberg/Zionist Murdoch.

Murdoch gave Boris Johnson his first journalist job. Then Johnson worked for Conrad Black. So Johnson is a product of the 2 men who Icke states know what is going on. And both want Brexit. Johnson has 2 of Murdoch's closest friends in his cabinet: Michael Gove and Priti Patel. Both were special guests at the actual wedding ceremony (not just the evening do) of Murdoch and Jerry Hall in 2016.

Murdoch drove Brexit through his global media empire but primarily through the notorious British daily The Sun. Through The Sun Murdoch even claimed the Queen supported Brexit. Murdoch is still alive while Dr David Kelly was 'suicided' for trying to stop the war on Iraq when Murdoch was relentlessly flogging propaganda for that war.

Murdoch is not king. He is kingmaker. Who is more powerful? He is naturally a far-right Tory. But in 1997 he backed Labour's Tony Blair and opposed the Tory John Major. Result? Blair won. So why did Murdoch back Blair? Major wanted more EU integration with the UK, and he was opposed to Israel. Blair was also pro-EU and Blair went to war on Iraq.

Murdoch also put Trump within touching distance of Hillary Clinton in 2016. The FBI did the rest by torpedoing her in the final week of the campaign. Murdoch and Trump go back a long way, to at least 1983 when both were honorary chairmen of the B'nai B'rith Banking and Finance Lodge annual dinner which that year was held to honour Roy Cohn for his tireless work for Israel. Cohn also ran paedophile rings for the CIA to supply children to be abused to the parties of CIA-sponsored satanists, some of which he attended. Murdoch speaks to Trump once a week on the phone to 'advise' Trump. And Cohn was Trump's "greatest friend".

Remember : Icke stated that Murdoch knows what is going on.

If there is one man who can be identified as Mr Brexit it is Nigel Farage. Farage was first UKIP then Brexit Party. Murdoch began meeting Farage in secret around 2013. Murdoch then tweeted his support for Farage, and Murdoch's Sky then began to subtly promote Farage. And The Sun went full Brexit mode.

So what is happening now?

Murdoch puppet Trump is strongly suggesting live on Farage's radio show and elsewhere that Murdoch puppet Farage and Murdoch puppet Johnson get together.

Here's Murdoch and Farage celebrating the result of the EU referendum in 2016 a few days after the vote.

So, does Murdoch really know what is going on?

If Brexit is so anti-establishment then why is he still alive while Dr David Kelly was 'suicided'?

Murdoch means death.

He got his break into the USA media by illegally flogging propaganda in favour of CIA/Pentagon death squads to the American public.

He then drove the war propaganda after 9/11.

He, with Sheldon Adelson, then put Trump into The White House, and Trump is repaying them by doing everything that Israel wants.

So Icke says Murdoch knows what is going on. Icke also says Trump is a fake. And Murdoch puppet Trump is calling out for Murdoch puppet Johnson and Murdoch puppet Farage to get together and get Brexit done.

But throughout all this Brexiting, very few have asked the question: why is the UK in the EU in the first place?

Icke's thesis is that 'they', ie reptilians in the moon, want a world government and that continental organisations like the EU are a stepping stone to that world government, so the EU etc should be destroyed.

He also claims that the UK through the monarchy and The City of London run the world covertly.

But one small problem: the UK didn't join the EEC until 1975!


There was the European Coal and Steel Community in 1950. Did the UK join? No.

Then there was The Treaty of Rome in 1957. Did the UK join then. No.

It wasn't until the mid-1960s that the UK started to show signs of wanting to join, but the EEC rejected the UK. But then in the early 1970s the UK was accepted.

So why did the UK stall in joining and not be in there from the start along with the Netherlands etc?

Because fundamentally the Brits love their "splendid isolation", and when they saw that the EEC was doing its job in producing jobs and good growth in GDP then the Brits said they wanted a piece of the action to grab a slice of the trade that the EEC could provide. So the UK joined and almost immediately UK GDP grew very quickly.

But now?

European GDPs are slowing if not stalling while the GDP of the USA is much larger than that of the EU but is also slowing. In fact we could be heading into a global recession.

But, and it's a big but, Lord Rees-Mogg has stated that it could be 50 years before the UK sees any economic benefit from Brexit.


So perhaps there is an ideological element behind the drive for Brexit instead?

That ideology being that of the Anglo-American-Zionist Establishment who engineer and profit from world wars, as well as engineering the likes of 9/11, the subsequent wars and global terror?

We've seen hints already: the NHS up for grabs; workers' rights and protections to be slashed; food and environmental standards to be slashed; chicken from all the way across the Atlantic.

This is what I believe is an alternative explanation for Brexit. Not reptilians in the moon. There's this ideology but also The City of London and its networks escaping from any banking and finance regulations the EU could impose.

Oh. And if you want to know why I've broken with Icke? While he took my money for his IP court case in the 2000s, he was later spying on me for years while I lived in one of the most anti-war, anti-racist homes in the UK, and I also believe he knows who stole my codes etc and burgled my sister's house. And he is allowing his far-right thug son Garth to post on daddy Dave's website after Garth mocked anti-war, anti-racist Owen Jones after Jones was beaten up by far-right thugs, and Garth mocked my sister's house being burgled.

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