
Saturday, February 08, 2020


Garth Icke has again posted a video of alleged 'comedian' Alistair Williams. The last time Garth did this Williams was mocking gay, anti-war, anti-racist campaigner Owen Jones after Jones claimed he had been violently assaulted. Because Garth was not frequently posting Williams at the time there must have been something in the video by Williams which attracted Garth to post it. And that something was that it was far-right.

This latest video posted by Garth is about race. Garth is a privileged white male. His daddy David made a name for himself from claiming we are run by reptilians. One of David's most powerful books is The Biggest Secret in which David tries to expose the ancient bloodlines descended from these reptilians. And one of the flags that David identifies as a powerful symbol of these ancient reptilian bloodlines is the cross of St George, which is the red cross on a white background.

Here is what David writes in The Biggest Secret about this symbol:
William of Orange became William III of England as husband of Queen Mary. It was William’s grotesque treatment of the Irish which led to centuries of bitterness in Ireland which continues to this day. In 1694, William signed the charter for the Bank of England and the Black Nobility, together with the reptile Aryan aristocracy already well established in Britain, made the City of London-New Troy the centre of global finance, a position it still enjoys. Little wonder that the entrance to the City of London financial centre is marked by statues of winged reptiles holding the red cross on a white shield, the ancient Aryan Sun symbol, and also the symbol of the Rosi Crucis or Sumerian Gra-al, the reptilian bloodlines (more about that later).

Er, Garth? In this video, what's that behind alleged 'comedian' Alistair Williams?

It's the cross of St George! That old symbol of the reptilian bloodlines, according to your dad!!

Remember them? Child sacrifice and all that?

So, Williams mocked gay, anti-war, anti-racist campaigner Owen Jones after Jones was violently assaulted, asking if the assault took place. Turns out that Jones was indeed violently assaulted. And by neo-Nazi football thugs!

And now Garth Icke is posting another video of alleged 'comedian' Alistair Williams who mocks anti-racism in front of the flag of St George, the red cross on a white background, which Garth's daddy claims is the ancient symbol of the reptilian bloodlines that Dave claims runs the world.

As Paul Joseph Watson would say : Clown world strikes again!

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